Chapter 70: Should I Stay...

Start from the beginning

I frown an tears start to form in my eyes.

Maybe I should go back home...

Alison POV:
"Okay. Bath time!" I say, faking a smile.

Anderson and Emerson obey, taking off their clothes.

They get into the bathtub without making a sound.

Usually they fuss and whine.

After they're done, it's Levi and Brighton's turn.

They too take off their clothes and get into the tub.

Brighton picks up a cup in the bath, and fills it with water.

Usually she would laugh and pour water on Levi's head, but she just sits there.

She looks at me, cup in her hands, and glares at me.

"What?" I ask her, and smile lightly at her.

She tilts her head slowly and gives me a death glare.

Before I know it, water is splashing all over me.

"Brighton!" I shriek.

Levi sighs and attempts to put soap on his hair.

I look at Brighton with the look that usually scares her, but it doesn't phase her whatsoever.

She purses her lips, squints her eyes, tilts her head, and glares at me.

Levi grabs another cup, and rinses out his hair before getting out of the tub.

He runs out of the bathroom with water dripping from his body and screams.

"Levi! Get back here!" I yell.

"No!" He yells back just as mad.

I run after him, leaving Brighton in the tub.

Emily POV:
I drive up to the house, and notice all of the lights on.

I gently get Eli from the back, seeing as he's sleeping, and walk up to the porch.

I slowly open the door, and I'm met by screaming and yelling.

"Levi! Stop!" I hear Alison yell.

"No!" Levi yells back.

I see Levi, naked, quickly going down the steps.

I look to the top of the stairs and see Alison with her shirt soaking wet, and her hair in a messy bun.

"Owen Levi!" Alison shouts, not even noticing me.

She must be really angry because she used his real, full name.

Levi looks up once he's off the stairs, and looks up.

"Mama!" He exclaims when he sees me.

"E-Emily..." Alison stutters, stopping dead in her tracks.

Levi runs over to me, and clings onto my leg, hiding behind me.

I turn to Levi and look at him.

"You need to get dressed. Come on." I say, and grab his hand with my free one.

"Emi-" Alison says, but I ignore her.

I get upstairs and lay Eli down in his room.

"Okay, Levi. Come on." I say.

We walk to his room, and I out his pajamas on him.

When I'm going to check on Anderson and Emerson, I see Brighton in the bath.

"Mama!" She says happily.

"Hi, baby!" I say with the same amount of enthusiasm.

I finish giving her a bath and get her in pajamas. After she's dressed, I tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight.

"Don't leave." She whines.

I smile a small smile at her, and climb into her big princess bed with her.

She snuggles into me, and I can smell the sweet scent of her soap.

I eventually fall asleep.

Alison POV:
Emily won't even talk to me!

I go to check on all of the kids, and they're all asleep.

I check on Brighton last, and she's asleep. Snuggled into Emily's side.

I smile, and think...

How am I going to fix this?

If you don't start commenting, telling me what you think, I'm done.

I'll leave you on the biggest cliff hanger ever. Like, holy shit. I have one in mind.

Or, I'll write the chapters.
But not post them.

So...Comment, vote, like, I don't know!

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