Chapter 48: Congratulations

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3 months later
"What do you think they'll say? What if they aren't happy? I'm so nervous!" I ramble to Caleb.

"Babe, it will be fine. They'll be happy. I promise." Caleb reassures me.

I smile, but then it fades.

"Hanna. They'll have to deal with it. We live in the same house." He says, and hugs me.

"Okay." I say, and walk into the living room.


I look at all of the girls, and they are watching a movie.

"What movie is this?" I ask.

"Safe Haven." Alison answers.

"Again?" I ask, and roll my eyes while laughing.

"Yep." Emily says, and sighs.

"Can you pause it for a minute?" I ask.

"Sure." Spencer replies, and presses pause on the remote.

"I have something to tell you." I say.

"Okay. What is it?" Aria asks me.

"I...I'm...I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

"I'm pregnant." Hanna says.

I'm shocked, but happy. A baby, well...

I'm extra happy, too because "I'm pregnant too!" I accidentally blurt out.

Everyone stares at me, and Emily's eyes widen. We agreed we wouldn't tell until I was 5 months along. I'm only 2 and half months along.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't s-supposed t-to tell yet." I say, covering my mouth.

"Really?!" Hanna shrieks.

"Yes." I say, smiling.

"Ahh! We're both going to have babies and they will be best friends just like us!" She exclaims.

"H-How far along are you?" Spencer asks, and clears her throat at the end.

"2 and a half months." I answer.

"3 months." Hanna says.

"That's when we moved in!" Emily yells, laughing.

"I was happy!" Hanna defends herself.

"Wait....So you got a sperm donor without telling us?" Hanna asks after a minute.


"Umm...So did we." Aria whispers.

"You're pregnant too?!" Emily and Hanna say in unison.

"Yes?" Aria says, and it sound like a question.

"Don't be shy." Emily nudges Spencer and Aria.

"Who's pregnant?" Hanna asks them.

"Aria." Specter says.

"How far along?!" I say excitedly.

"2 months." Aria answers.

"We should all go to an ultrasound together!" Hanna yells out.

2 Months Later
"Hastings?" The technician calls out.

I grab Aria's hand, and we go in the little room.

Aria lays down, and the picture of the baby shows up on the screen.

"Okay. You look about 4 a half months along." She says.

Aria smiles up at me.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asks.

"Yes." We say in unison.

She looks at the screen for a minute, and then looks back up at us.

"It's a girl!" She says.


"Fields?" The technician calls.

"Come on." Emily says, grabbing my hand.

We go in, and I lay down on the table.

The lady pits the gel on my stomach, and I get goosebumps, causing Emily to laugh.

I playfully slap her arm, and look at the screen.

"There's your baby." She says, pointing.

I smile as tears begin filling my eyes.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asks the both of us.

"Yes, please." She says.

"Actually, sexes." She corrects herself.

"W-What?" Emily stutters out, smiling but still with a shocked face.

I look at the last confused, and she noticed our expressions.

"You're having twins." She tells us.

Our smiles get wider, and we both nod our heads yes.

"Okay...Looks like a boy..." She begins, "and a girl!" She tells us.


We go home, and meet the girls there. We all go sit on the couches, before saying anything.

"Okay...We're having a girl!" Spencer exclaims, and Aria smiles wide.

"Ahh!" The rest of us fangirl, and Caleb sits there staring at us.

"We're having twin girls!" Hanna shrieks.

"Okay...We're having boy girl twins!" Emily yells out for the both of us.

Hmm....How many did I make happy?!

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