House Party part 2

Start from the beginning

"I don't need your help." Elena told her with a bland look.

"And that is incredibly stupid of you." Kathrine sneered. "Do you know where Klaus is? Do you know what he looks like?"

"If you know something, say it or get out." Damon snapped.

"Fine. Then I'll just go to the grill and have some lunch..." Kathrine smirked. "Maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite."

Elena almost laughed at that. It seemed like Kathrine hadn't figured out about the tattoos Elena had or questions her friends and family would ask if they felt uncertain it was her or not.

"Well, I'm going to school." Elena started to walk out with Stefan following her.

"What? Don't trust me alone in your house?" Elena scoffed.

"At the moment? No." Stefan said. "I know you too well, Elena, you would definitely undagger Elijah if we left you alone in the house."

"That's because he didn't deserve to be daggered in the first place!" Elena growled.

"He was going to use you in a sacrifice!" Stefan shouted back at her as he parked his car in the school parking lot.

"By trying to stop me from being made into a sacrifice you might have doomed others to death." Elena glared at him. "And while I don't care about most people you are risking my pack."

"You are my best friend, Elena." Stefan admitted softly. "I don't want you to die."

"I don't want to die either, Stefan, but what you are doing is incredibly selfish." Elena stormed off towards the school.

An hour later Elena decided that she couldn't handle school for today so she walked home after telling Bonnie and Caroline to come over later that evening.

Now she was sitting on the floor as she tried to meditate and talk to Death. One of the reasons why she couldn't handle school was that she kept having this feeling, like she instinctually knew if someone was human or not.

For example, she had bumped into a sophomore and knew that he had witches in his family even though he himself didn't have magic. And when she hugged Caroline, she could tell that she was a vampire but not how long she had been one.

"Nice to hear from you, my dear." Elena heard Death whisper in her mind.

"I thought you could answer some questions and I actually missed talking to you." Elena smiled.

"I have missed you too, daughter." Death sounded a little hesitant as he called her daughter but it made Elena beam in happiness. "What where the questions?"

Elena quickly told him about what had been going on and what she felt that day at school.

"It seems you have gained a version of aura reading." Death hummed in thought. "That could be useful in the future."

Elena talked to Death for a while longer, not noticing her head start hurting until they had finished talking and said goodbye. She opened her eyes and closed them again quickly with a groan of pain.

With her head throbbing in pain, Elena slowly made her way to the kitchen to get two of her pain tablets from the car accident. After she had taken them, she laid down on the floor and waited for the pain to disappear.


"Chinese food or pizza?" Caroline asked a couple of hours later as her, Bonnie and Elena were in the Gilbert kitchen.

Bonnie had just told them about the talk her and Stefan had had with Jonas and Luka.

"Both." Elena smirked, another thing she had noticed after her talk with Death was that her apatite had increased.

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