"Realistically one in ten women are stalked." She retorts.

"Yeah, one in ten-you aren't that one-I mean come on Eva, use your head." I tell her sternly. She gasps again before the line does dead.

"She just hung up on me." I throw my phone onto my bed.

I run my hands over my face as I process what I just remembered. Was that guy really stalking her? Did he hurt her? I turn to my computer and pull up 'Google' I type in her name and wait for the results to come up on the screen. My eyes scan the screen and nothing stands out... it's just the normal stuff, just social media stuff. I type in stalking cases at UNCW, but once again nothing comes up. No matter what I type in nothing comes up. I need to find out if that guy was stalking her...if he laid a hand on her... I don't know what I would do.

I stand up and walk out of my office, passed Eva, and over to my human resources guy. "Joe, can you pull an employee file for me?" I ask.

"Yeah, name?" he walks over to his filing cabinet.

"Eva Payne." I tell him. He nods and looks through his files for a few minutes.

"Here you go." He hands me a manila folder.

Before I head back to my office I stop to see Holly. "Where are the flowers?" I ask her.

"I threw them away." She points to the bin next to her desk. I nod in reply, walk to them, take my phone out, and take a picture of them.

"Is she any better?" Holly asks hesitantly.

"Yes." I reply even though I have no idea if she is or not.

"Good." She says more to herself. I walk back to my office and lock the door behind me. I sit down behind my desk and unlock my phone. I open up a new message.

Me: Hey, babe. What kind of flowers are these? (Pic on side bar)

Candice: They're called 'Myosotis' or more commonly known as 'Forget-me-not'... Why?

Me: Someone here at the office got a bouquet of them, and I thought of the wedding.

I hate lying to Candice, but I can't tell her why I'm asking.

Candice: Oh, that's sweet, but I don't think they will go with the ideas I have planned.

I roll my eyes at her response. That's her way of saying they are ugly and I don't want them at my wedding.

Me: I have to get back to work... I will talk to you later! Love you xoxo

Candice: Love you too babe!

'Now I just need to figure out why those flowers freaked her out.' I tell myself.

A few days later and I still haven't found anything out about Eva and those flowers. Eva doesn't talk unless she absolutely has too. She jumps at every noise and flinches if anyone touches her. She's had to stay an hour longer each day, because she doesn't finish her work in time. I've tried to be patient, but my patience is wearing thin. She can't be like this while we are in London (we leave tomorrow).

I take a deep breath before I dial the number I know I shouldn't, but I really don't have any other choice...

"Hello?" the familiar voice answers the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Payne. It's Harry Styles."

"How the hell did you get my number?" He growls.

"Out of Eva's employee file." I tell him honestly. I'm her boss and I have every right to look through her file.

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now