"That's what the fuck I'm talking about nigga!" Draymond shouted. "We getting fuckkkked up tonight!"

"What was that?" The coach asked while approaching them making Draymond stop talking "Good work guys this is what we have to do all season if we want to reach the playoffs. However, It's the first game..only the first game and we barely won so don't get ahead of yourselves there's no reason for celebrating just yet. There's a lot of things we need to work on that I've seen throughout this game. Now do your interviews and we'll talk more in the locker room" He spoke before walking away.

"I swear he always gotta kill the vibe" Dray mumbled.

Steph chuckled, "Dray shut up..he is right we did fuck up a lot but shit what team doesn't. I'm still down for celebrating so Exotic tonight?"

     They all yelled in happiness giving him his answer. As the group dispersed to talk to other people Klay was about to talk to an interviewer that approached him when Chanel came walking over to him. He politely told the women to give him a second as Chanel hopped into his arms.

    "You won babe!" She cheered "You did so good, I'm so proud of you"

    He smiled holding onto her legs that were wrapped around his waist "Thank you love" He gently let her down and she kissed his lips not caring who saw. They weren't officially dating but it was clear to them that they were together. They were pretty private about it and there wasn't any photos of them online unless it was something someone else took.

    With him about to be traveling nonstop he planned on actually asking her soon. But he wanted it to be natural and not rushed so he was still taking his time with it. There were some things that were holding him back but he didn't want to ruin the moment by dwelling on it.

"Let me do these interviews and then imma come talk to you" He said in her ear.

    She nodded and turned to go back over to her sister and friends.

"The one and only Klay Thompson here, I'm Amy from ESPN's recap and I just want to ask you a few questions. First things first how does it feel to be back on the court? To me it looks like you played a very energetic game tonight."

Klay wiped the sweat of his head as he listened "Man I mean it's always fun when I play but being that it was the first game of the season it was more of finally being able to be back on the court with my brothers that motivated me"

"So tell me, do you think tonight's game showed what  you and the Warriors are going to bring for the rest of the season?"

"A little bit yeah, we still have a lot of work to do. I'm ecstatic that we won but I don't let it go to my head, every game is different so I just wanna make sure that we're ready."

"Nice everyone's looking forward to see what y'all bring.  Last question since I know we have to wrap things up so you can get going but a lot of people want to know who the woman you've been seen around with is. There's been a lot of speculation and rumors and we want to hear your side of it and anything else you want to tell fans"

    Klay chuckled, "Well as you just saw off camera she's someone that I care about. She's very supportive of me as I am of her and what she does. All I really have to stay is stop the false narratives about her online I wouldn't surround myself with people that I didn't trust."

"There you have it guys and once again good game Klay I hope to speak to you again soon"

He gave her a polite smile before walking off. Ever since pictures of them first started floating around people were bashing Chanel relentlessly. It went passed fans being jealous and bringing up that's shes a stripper into people saying that she was a prostitute using him and that she did this with multiple athletes which was obviously a lie.

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