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Klay's Condo

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Klay's Condo

The Next Morning
8:43 AM

     The morning sun began to creep through Klay's curtains shining brightly on his face. He was about to turn onto his stomach to avoid the glare when he felt a small arm wrapped tightly against his torso. He opened his eyes quickly then relaxed when he saw Chanel underneath him. Last nights events had started to come back to him as he fully woke up.

     He gently removed her arm and waltzed into his bathroom to piss. Once he was done he let the seat down and washed his hands. He was about to start his shower when he heard a phone ringing, he quietly went back into the bedroom to check his phone. When he realized it was Chanel's and not his he just ignored it being that he didn't feel comfortable answering her phone and overstepping any boundaries.

    However when it rang for the fourth time he decided to just wake her up. He stepped towards the bed and softly shook her shoulder "Chanel?" She stirred in her sleep before turning the other way. She looked so peaceful at rest but the constant ringing could've meant there was an emergency. So, he shook her again before leaning over "Chanel your phone is ringing" He said into her ear.

      She sighed and rubbed her eyes before slowly sitting up. She used the sheets to cover her upper body and grabbed the phone from his hand "Thank you"

He nodded his head and allowed her to answer the call "I'll be in the shower" He whispered before returning back to the bathroom.

     Klay stepped into the steaming water that was coming down from the shower head and started to wash himself up. He could only hear bits and pieces of her conversation so he only made out that she was talking to her friends that were at the club as well. He tried to listen closely to see if his name was mentioned but he didn't hear anything useful.

     After spending fifteen minutes in the shower he got out and wrapped his towel around his waist. When he returned back into the bedroom Chanel was slipping on her dress. He cleared his throat catching her attention "I got some clothes you can borrow—so you don't gotta wear that home"

"That would be nice, thank you"

     He walked over to his dresser taking out some clothes for himself and then something for her to wear. Chanel slipped the dress back off and began to put on his clothes, they fit baggy but he was a giant so she wasn't surprised.

  Klay was a bit taken back that she changed in front of him. Not that he was complaining but he didn't quite expect her to do that. But Chanel was confident in her body, he had already seen it all last night there would be no point in her trying to act shy now.

I N H A L E | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now