15 0 0

I was at the beach with my friends, playing and having fun. I was wearing this white dress, and I seemed happy. "Let's play a racing game" one of my friends said. All of them nodded and so did I.

Me and one of my friends went first. I swam faster than I have ever in my whole life. I got really far and I heard people cheering from behind. After I got the farthest I turned around to see my friends walking away.

"GUYS! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!" I asked. Out of nowhere I couldn't move my leg. I tried but I couldn't. It must have gotten stuck to something. "HELP! HELP I'M STUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was frightened.  I felt like I was going to... die.

I started giving up and the weather was getting worse and worse minute by minute. It was getting dark and I had already given up. Fuck. I could barely feel my skin. I turned back around and screamed when I was hit in the head by a rock.

I gasped for air as I got out of my bed. I sat down on the floor, shaking. What was that dream? I have never had something like that. I went downstairs to get a glass of water only to get a knock on the door.

I open the door carefully. "Harry? What the hell-" I get interrupted by him pushing me and getting in my house and closing the door. "Your house was the closest but I'm getting followed by two guys." He whispers. I turn on the light to see his face bruised. "Holy shit Harry what did they do to you?" My eyes widen. He shakes his head "that's the last thing you should worry about right now."

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard a loud knock. "it's them! Shit shit shit just turn off the light and hide!" I do what I was told to do as I turn off the light and hide behind the light blue couch. I heard Harry take a deep breath before opening the door.

"There you are, fucker" I heard one of the guys say. "You can hurt me just- not here. Nobody knows I'm in this house I sneaked in."

The two guys laughed "as if we care you piece of shit" I heard a glass break and a body fall on the floor. I turn around to see who it was and to my surprise it was Harry. I couldn't help but get up and run to him. "HARRY! OH MY GOD SHITTT"

"GET HER!" I heard one of the guys say. The other one took my arms and pulled them away from Harry. "Ha! Harry's lover? Losers. GET HER TO THE CAR I WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS ASSHOLE!"

I shaked my body to try and get out but it didn't work. "Get me out you son of a bitch." I say, I was truly getting pissed off at this guy. Do they really just not have a job or anything? I can dog walk this bitch.

"Well doesn't that pretty mouth of yours have a way with words?" He laughed. "Oh you wanna know what else this pretty mouth can do?" The next thing I know is I'm biting his arm. "AH! THIS GIRL IS BITING ME!"

"Go get Styles I will take care of her." He demanded. "What the hell do you want?" I ask. "Can't you just shut up?" He asks. "Well no when I'm in this situation-" I get cut off by the feeling of the random urge for sleeping. I passed out.

I woke up with a headache. Everything was spinning. I tried to concentrate and see where I was. I tried stretching but I was tied up. I turned around to see Harry. His head was down. "Harry. Harry?" I whispered. Shit he's asleep, or dead I can't really tell.

I started shaking to wake him up. "What. WHAT!" Harry all of the sudden said. "Harry! You're alive! Oh my god!" I chuckle. "Never in a million years would I have thought these words would come out of your mouth, miss Dixon." He chuckles as well.

"Harry, we need to get out of here." I whisper. "Yeah no shit Sherlock." He laughed. "Ok umm, I will try to get out and then I will untie you." Harry says. I nod.

After a million tries Harry gets out. "Oh my god!" I whisper. Harry comes to my side and starts untying me. I looked into his eyes my eyes widen. It's- he- no it can't be. I shouldn't be thinking this I'm in the worst situation right now. It can't be him. I got the memories back of him untying me and me hugging him after he let me out. I got memories of me opening my eyes slightly in the car to see him and two other dudes. The dudes- no. Was this all a plan? "Eleanor. Eleanor. Eleanor." I heard my name being repeated.

My body started to shake and I got back into reality. "Eleanor, are you ok?" He asks. "What- uhh yes I'm fine." I walk away but stop. "Come on arent you coming? They're gonna find out we got away."

"Oh- yes let's go." He started going to the closed window. "Let's hope they are stupid enough that it's open." He starts trying to open the window and it kind of worked. "Oh shit they are stupid." He turned to me and laughed I just gave him a small smile. I'm still even confused about the last time we saw each other and how he acted.

He got out of the window carefully and I did the same after him. I closed the window and then we started running away. After running for the past fifteen minutes we started to just walk. "So, you wanna tell me where are we going or are you gonna be an asshole like last time."

"I don't know where we are going. Let's just keep walking around until we find a place to stay for the night." He says. It was getting cold and we didn't have anything. I was in my pjs and he was wearing whatever- I don't even know what this man wears I don't really pay attention to that. "Oh I think I found a place! Come on."

"A cabin? Really?" I ask, chuckling lightly. "I mean it's the best we could do and it's only for one night." I shrugged and he shrugged as well. Harry started pushing the door to try to get into the cabin. After a million tries I helped him out. Both of our bodies ran to the door and the next thing we know the door is opened.

"This cabin seems nice" he says in a cheeky tone I can't tell why. "Let's hope there's two rooms I'm not trying to sleep on the couch tonight." He laughed at my words. "Don't worry even if they're aren't two rooms I'm not trying to sleep with you." He shakes his head. "Oh wow that still doesn't change the fact that I would be in a bed with a stranger." I roll my eyes. "Stranger? We have classes together and we have hung out before." He scoffs.

"Well I don't actually know you do I?" I start walking around trying to find two rooms because I'm not trying to sleep on the same bed with him. And to my luck there's actually three bedrooms. "Perfect." I whisper to myself. I was about to go to sleep when the door opened.

"What now? I'm trying to sleep." I groan. He sits down on the bed "I just wanted to say uhh goodnight." He says before he walked out I stopped him. "Wait- uhh goodnight." I say back. He smiles before closing the door and leaving.

I get into bed. It's pretty warm and I love it. I still can't sleep tho. The nightmare I had is haunting me, making me afraid of sleeping again. Let me just close my eyes until I sleep.

I can't. I just can't. I don't get why it's so stressful for me to sleep. I mean, there's a lot of things to think about right now. I need air. I get up feeling dizzy, too much has happened today, and I can't process everything. I have the urge of vomiting but I always get this feeling when I'm tired so I don't think much of it.

I walk around the cabin, nothing is helping. The urge of vomiting is getting worse and worse. I end up running to the bathroom, closing the door, and sitting on the floor. I lean towards the toilet, feeling a bad headache coming. I hear a knock on the door making me flinch.

"Hello? Eleanor are you okay? What's going on?" I heard the familiar voice with an accent. Shit. "Yeah- uh I'm okay just got a little dizzy." I lie. "Okay well I'm here if anything worse happens."

This isn't Harry. I don't know but this isn't how he usually acts, he's always the kind of guy that doesn't care. Well it has been a long night I wouldn't be surprised if my grandpa comes out of nowhere from his grave.

I should probably try to sleep. I go back to the room with a now messy bed. I finally feel the need to sleep, feeling also exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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