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I opened my eyes, expecting to see my bedroom but instead I was in an unfimiliar room. I turned around to see a guy. He had his head down and his arms were crossed. He was asleep, on a couch. I looked under the blanket, thanking god that my clothes were still on.

I got up quietly, the floor making sounds making me curse under my breath. I turned around to see the guy in a different position.

"I'm gonna drive you home" a familiar voice said, realizing that I was in Harry's bedroom. I turned around taking my phone and waiting for him to get up. "My family's asleep so we have to be quiet" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes, walking down the stairs quietly following Harry. He grabbed the keys on the kitchen counter as always as his phone while I put my shoes on. I still have no idea how I got to his house.

We walked out of his house and I let out the breath that I was holding. "So, are you gonna tell me how I got to your house?" He chuckles handing me his phone. I take it and look at the video playing.

I was thrown into the pool by drunk Louis and the next thing I see is Harry also jumping into the pool. I see him pick up my body and then put me down on the floor, giving me cpr. I quickly hand him back the phone not wanting to see the rest or else I would be disgusted.

"Ok that explains it, thank you" I say before walking quickly to his car and opening the door before sitting down. Moments later Harry does the same.

I opened my eyes to look out the window, the car still moving. I turned around to see Harry driving. I slap myself, cursing at myself. I sit back up and look at my phone to see the time 4:18pm.

"What the- where are you taking me? It's 4:18pm! I woke up at 10:39am!" I say showing him my phone. He shakes his head "relax I'm not kidnapping you, I don't want to waste any of my money on you"

"Where are you taking me?" I ask again. He rolls his eyes "god damn it, Eleanor just wait!" He says. "Why the hell are you the one in a bad mood? I'm the one that just woke up not knowing where you are taking me!"

He stops the car out of nowhere and opens his car door. He walks my way and opens my car door. "Get out!" He says. "What? Why?" I ask.

"Don't you want to eat?" He asks. I shrug "I will stay here, you can go get something." His brows furrowed "you sure?" He asks. I nod. He walks away as I open my phone.

Harry Styles
I opened the door, taking off my shoes. "Hey, dad" I say. "Where were you?" He asks. I stop myself, trying to think of an excuse. "Out with Zayn" I mumble. "At 10am in the morning?" I nod. I try to walk up the stairs but I hear him again. He shakes his head "I heard her, you can't be going out with girls like that." He says. I turn around at my dad "excuse me? You don't get to tell me who I can't and can go out with. I'm not even going out with her she just needs a ride home."

"Oh really? So what Brinley told me about a babysitter is fake? Why are you telling people we need a babysitter?!" Dad raises his voice at me. "no I'm- YOU AND MOTHER AREN'T EVEN HERE FOR BRINLEY! TELL ME ONE TIME YOU AND BRINLEY ACTUALLY HUGGED OR EVEN TALKED! NO! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOUR FUCKING JOB THAT IS DYING! GOD I HOPE YOU WERE THE ONE DYING!"

"YOU ARE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT TO THIS FAMILY! YOU SHOULD'VE KEPT ELEANOR AND NOT LET HER ESCAPE! BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTION I WAS MADE FUN OF FOR MONTHS! YOU WILL JOIN THE GANG OR ELSE, HARRY!" My dad warns. I shake my head "no dad I'm not joining-" I get cut off by the feeling of a slam that came to my cheek making my head turn of how hard it was. I turn my head back at my dad, not looking him in the eye.

"You will never talk to that girl anymore." He whispers to me in a warning tone. "What are you gonna do if I don't talk to her? Hurt me? Kill me? You have always done that emotionally, it won't hurt physically." I walk up the stairs, getting into my room and slamming the door behind me. "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I repeat in my head, covering my face and sitting down on the floor.

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