My Rahuliya(Hulrat)

Start from the beginning

"You know everyone's missing you out there, right"

"Really Virat! And why are you here? Don't you have some places to go with Hardik or something?" Rahul snapped, not believing Virat was using the guilt trap with him and were they really missing him? Rahul didn't think so...

"Well, I asked you out too, you know" Virat replied, ignoring everything else.

"And I said no, so, can't you leave me alone please?" Rahul begged and Virat refused to  move away from his spot. He stayed talking, asking even though Rahul kept his mouth zipped. After all, he was quite good at this game. He knew how to keep everything in. He knew, how to be this nonreactive person but he forgot the person with him was his brother, his brother, who knew how to push his buttons, just fine.

"It's the series, isn't it" Virat said knowingly and noticing Rahul unconsciously shrink a little more in him added, what felt like almost, thoughtlessly to Rahul, "You do know, I don't expect you to behave like Mahi bhai, right?"

"Don't you?" Rahul couldn't help but ask, a self-mocking smile on his lips. Well, didn't everyone want him to carry on the footsteps of Mahi bhai, be like him, talk like him and stuff. The hurt, the uncertainty, the doubts shinning clearly in his eyes.


"No, Virat, don't try to twist your words, please, I can't believe you truly didn't miss Mahi bhai behind the stumps during my stints today? you can't make me believe you didn't miss Mahi bhai when I got the DRS wrong, when I didn't take Nattu's drs soon enough, it could have changed the match... truthfully, tell me you didn't miss Mahi bhai then, heck, you didn't wish it was Rishu there?"

There was vulnerability in Rahul's eyes as he looked at Virat. The self-mocking tilt of his lips corroding Virat's heart. It was Virat's Rahul, alright.

"No, I didn't," Virat admitted, making Rahul scoff looking away from Virat.

But, it didn't stop Virat from continuing, "But I missed my Rahuliya behind the wickets,"

Rahul couldn't help but look at Virat totally baffled hearing his words. What did he mean by I'm missing my Rahuliya? He was the one doing wicket-keeping, wasn't he? so, what did he mean by "I'm missing my Rahuliya?"

"Yes, I'm...I'm missing the boy full of swag that swaggered in my life. I'm missing the boy whose smiles weren't a priced commodity. I'm missing the full of energy, free and mad guy. Who didn't need to tell people, I'm totally different in my circle. The guy with mischief shinning in his eyes. The guy who dared to place the boombox next to AB's ear. I missed my Rahuliya, my Rahuliya, who was free and full of vibe. I missed that over-energetic, enthusiastic guy behind the wicket. The guy who wasn't afraid to give back when someone triggered him. The guy who didn't force a composed persona on him. The guy who isn't trying to intimate someone else, forgetting his own personality. The guy who danced with Shamsi on field celebrating his wicket. I miss that Rahuliya, my Rahuliya" Virat said looking at Rahul pointedly.

Did Rahul really think Virat missed the current changes in Rahuliya?

If Rahul really thought that Virat didn't notice the small bits about him then Rahul was very-very disillusioned. Virat had known him for ages now. He had known that 21 year kid full of swag, swagering in his life. He had held the 22 year old kid in his arms after his disastrous debut and also, after his maiden century. He knows the kid better that the kid thinks and if the kid thinks, he hadn't noticed his sudden suppression of emotions and smiles then the kid was mad.

Rahul didn't really thought how to react to Virat's words. He thought everyone forgot the real him. He thought he had fooled everyone into thinking he was more like the calm and composed people of the country. He thought no one remembered the "Kutty Kohli" anymore but he was wrong. Virat couldn't ever forgot his Rahuliya, the kid who reminded him of himself. His kid. His original Rahuliya.

Rahul didn't know how to react to Virat's words. Could he really be that guy again?

He didn't know.

He had forgotten how to be that guy. He didn't know how to react to Virat's words. He didn't know what to say? He thought everyone had forgotten about his real personality. He thought he had fooled them but it seemed , he hadn't. It seemed Virat knew he let all the negativity change him and he didn't know how to answer Virat's question.

"Who would have danced with me? Nattu" He quipped instead, ignoring everything.

"He might have if you tried," Virat winked but on a serious note added; "Be yourself, Rahuliya. Be my Rahuliya. Don't let anything snatch away your own personality, don't let the world shape you into something, you aren't."

Virat said ruffling Rahul's hair as he walked out of the room, knowing Rahul needed to think over his words. Sometimes, you really needed to listen to your souls voice to know what you needed to do and so, Virat left Rahul to his thoughts.

He didn't knew whether he will get the Rahuliya of old back or not? But he had to try, didn't he? He had to stop his Rahuliya from becoming something he isn't but the final call would be Rahul's.

Virat didn't know whether he'll get his old kiddo back or not? But he knew, he'll always love his Rahuliya even if he acted his Rahulish self with only him.

Rahul didn't know whether he could be like his old self again or not?

But, he knew one thing, he'll always be his Virat bhaiya's Rahuliya.

~the end~

I didn't know what I wrote seriously, but I've been really missing the old Rahul.

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