.Defining moments.

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Hey, there my Viii. Wishing you a very-very Happy B'day to you. Grow old and be more crazy, god you're older than me. I can't believe it. I just can't. I don't know why? But I can't. So, here's your hulrat one-shot.  I know today isnt your B'day but in my defence I was going to post this on your b'day. But I couldnt for some reason and others. But here I'm with promised Hulrat stuff. And I hope you like it. It's pretty long and all. So, here it is for you bleedblue2011. Sorry in advance for mistakes and being super late though I didnt change my note for you.

A shot story on how Virat and Rahul become hulrat. For you don't trust just anyone with your life. 


It was an ordinary evening in his Covid induced life. Rahul was sitting on the balcony attached to his room. Brooding, yes, he knew he was brooding. And he just couldn't help himself. The lots of free time had left him with lots of thoughts. Lots of what ifs? And a recurring nightmare of what ifs? What if he didn't have the supportive elder brothers he had? What if they didn't hold him when he fell? Would he also have shattered like Sushant? Would Hardik have? But Hardik is made of stronger stuff than him. He had gone through a lot. But what about him? Would he have withstand the storm of hate? 

Without anyone supporting him. Without his brothers calling him and telling him they love him. Without them telling him again and again, it'll be fine. Everything will be fine. What if no one understood him? What if no one cared about him? What if he had hypocrite, back-stabbing people in his life? And not the awesome, caring brothers he got. The ones who even charmed his parents in forgiving him.  Why do they care so much about him? Why they love him? He hadn't done something for them.  He didn't help them? Why do they care? Why Virat cared so much for him?

He didn't know. He just knows Virat and Virat's approval mattered a hell lot to him. He didn't know when was the exact moment that he knew Virat's approval meant the world to him? He didn't know when exactly he knew he can cry his heart out in Virat's arms and no one else in the whole world will know that he cried. He didn't know when was the exact moment he started taking his every little problem to Virat. When Virat's joke and abusive slurs and words stopped fazing him. For he knew the man beneath it. For he loved the man, he truly was. His brother.

You know every relation has some defining moments- there had too. They didn't become brothers in a single day. They didn't become so close in a single day. First, there was Virat and then Rahul. They were separate entities, they still are. But now there's a connection of heart joining them. A strong bond of love wrapping itself around them like yarn of mom's homemade sweaters. A protective feeling, a shield of love, wings of flight and the net to catch you whenever you fall. All in one and the bond didn't become so strong in one day. 

For before Virat's Rahuliyaaa and Rahul's cheeku bhaiya. There had been superstar Virat and fan Rahul. A lanky teenager and haughty untouchable king of Indian cricket and Rahul still don't really know how they had become so close or why? But he isn't one to throw away god's blessing.

He loves his Mahi bhai, He adores his B-Ro. He loves each and every member of his team. Yes, even crazy kungfu pandya but the bond he and Virat's share is something else. He can't define it in words. Virat's thoughts, Virat's approval and words always mattered the most to him. Virat always matters the most to him. And maybe it has something to do with how Virat was the first person he met on the defining steps of his future.

And Virat was the first insanely famous cricketer in the current team who took him under his wing. The way Virat wrapped his arm around his shoulder and welcomed him on board. It was a magical, star-struck moment for him. It was a promise to help nurture and protect him no matter what and Virat kept that promise. A moment he can't forget for the rest of his life.

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