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☞ Follow the Community

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☞ Follow the Community

☞ Follow the Hosts, __tabassum__   @-accio1d- , BluandPenguino

☞ Add this book to your Public/ Private Reading lists to receive updates.

☞ Also, post on your message board, so we get more people for the Awards.

☞ Be kind to everyone you interact with during the awards and remember to give it a bit of time as everyone has other work to do as well.

☞ Follow all the rules, it will be checked.

☞ If you don't follow the rules, you will not be accepted.

☞ Pm this account if you have any questions or doubts.

☞ And don't forget to enjoy this journey.


☞ Follow your Judges after announced.

☞ DO NOT BRIBE THE JUDGES, if you're found to do so, you'll be immediately removed.

☞ The book has to be in English, Korean or Traditional Chinese. These are the only languages spoken by the hosts and judges.

☞ The book must have at least 5 chapters.

☞ For Short story; the word count should be minimum 2000.

☞ For poetry; 3 chapters minimum.

☞ Inform the hosts if you change the title of the book or your username, failure to do so, and you will be removed. Password is Cleopatra.

☞ You can submit only 1 book per genre, and one author can submit up to 3 books in different genres.

☞ It doesn't matter how many reads your book has.

☞ We accept Mature/LGBTQ

☞ You can't judge the genre you're participating in.


☞ Think twice before filling the form, we don't want you to bail on us.

☞ You have to read atleast first 5 chapters of the book, and will be given 5 books to judge.

☞ DO NOT ACCEPT BRIBES, if you do so, you will be blocked, if anyone tries to bribe you, inform us immediately. Password is Diana.

☞ You cannot judge the genre you're participating in.

☞ Judges will be given 2 weeks approximately to judge 5 books. If you, by some reason need more time, inform us. Deadlines won't be extended more than 10 days.

☞ PM the results once you're done judging.

☞ Rubrics will be posted.

The hosts

The Sovereign Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now