Scared!Nagito x Fem!Reader

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I have a good idea for this one, but please suggest prompts for these!! I'm looking at you Ren

Y/N PoV: Classroom

It was a pretty typical day, I spent my first two breaks with my boyfriend, Nagito, just sitting around and cuddling. Oh, but today's a little different, on our dates we've never actually went anywhere, but today I thought we should do something different! He doesn't exactly know yet but tonight after school we're going to the movies! As Ms. Yukizome rambled on about random stuff, I was just staring at Nagito, who sat in front of me, like he was the only thing in the room. Seriously, I can't explain my love for this guy, he's just perfect. (a/n I'm writing this and this part is true why is he so amazing) Eventually he felt the stare, and turned around, my face turned red and I snapped my attention back to the teacher, and I heard a quiet chuckle from him before he turned back to the teacher too. The last 30 minutes of school was agony, I wanted to hurry and go buy snacks for the movie tonight! I have to think of what movie to watch too... a horror movie maybe, or that little kids one they advertised all over Cartoon Network? I sigh and put my head on my desk, I wish I could ask him for help but I really want this to be a surprise! As I was deep in thought, I heard the bell ring and a bunch of chairs moving. Class is finally over! I threw my pencil case into my bag and waited at the door for Nagito.

Nagito PoV: Classroom

The bell rang and I threw my items into my bag, and as I got out of my chair my foot caught on the leg , and I face planted into Sonia's desk. "Ah!" Sonia yelled as my face landed on her desk, everyone gathered around me, but I didn't see Y/N anywhere.. I wonder where she went. Akane helped me up, and Mikan looked at my face to see if I was okay, I was fine for the most part, but I did have a bloody nose. In the end I just left the classroom with a tissue stuffed up my nostril, but I haven't seen Y/N since the bell rang. A little worrying, but knowing her, she'll be fine.

Y/N PoV: At the store

I got tired of waiting, I needed to start planning n o w. I looked down the snack isle a million times, just to make sure there wasn't a hidden gem somewhere that I missed. I had a whole damn shopping cart full of snacks. Possibly way too much to bring to the movies, but I can leave some at home just for eating whenever. I payed... $300.. wow. There goes my whole paycheck. I walked outside with my shopping cart, wait, where am I gonna hold all this--? I have to walk home. Fuck. I looked around for cameras. None. In that brief moment of panic, I took the shopping cart. That's right. I fucking stole it. I was zooming home on the shopping cart, riding it down the hills and using it like a scooter, until I made it home. I opened my front door and took my shoes off, then pushed the shopping cart in. I've always had a pretty shitty relationship with my parents, so eventually they got fed up with me and bought me a house and promised to never speak to me again. It wasn't that bad living alone, I have Nagito over a lot so it's not like I'm lonely or anything. I push the shopping cart into my living room and start picking the snacks out for the movie, and shoving them into an old school bag I used in Junior High, I settled for a few bags of chips, boxes of Pocky, and soda cans. I left the shopping cart I had stolen in the living room and went upstairs to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket, to start looking at movies showing later today. "Hm... no.. not that one.. looks boring.. aha!" I found a horror movie with surprisingly great rates! People say it's so scary , you might piss yourself while watching it. "Perfect." You bought the tickets for the showing in the next hour and a half. You decided to call Nagito to your house and tell him your plan. You did, he's on his way now, so you ran down the stairs and waited on your couch. As you swung your legs back and fourth you wondered, how would Nagito be in a scary movie? Watching one, I mean. Would be scared and hold onto me? Or would I be the one holding onto him while he watches it with no problem. It was truly something to think about, but oh well, you'll find out in an hour anyway. As soon as your train of thought ended, the doorbell rang and you sprung off the couch to open the door, twisting your ankle a little in my process. "Hello, Y/N , why'd you want me over? We didn't plan anything." Nagito asked slightly confused. "Mhmmmm, I know WE didn't plan anything, but I planned something." You sang , trying to make him wonder what the fuck was going on. "Hmm, how unusual, what'd you have in mind?"

"I wanna go see a scary movie with you!"


"I already bought the tickets, are you too scared?"

"N-no it's not that, but we never go anywhere on dates, really."

"That's why I wanted to go to the movies."

"..." He didn't say anything, "I guess it's alright.. but we need to get snacks, when does the movie start?"
"5:30, and don't worry about snacks, I already got some." You pulled out the bag of snacks. "Well, it's 5:00 right now, we should get going." He inquired, looking down at his watch. "Oh yeah- and what's going on with THAT" Nagito asked, looking at the shopping cart in your living room. "...Not important right now." I said as I looked at the floor, guilty that I had stolen an expensive item. "We should go return tha-" You cut him off by grabbing his hand and pulling your shoes on. As you slung the snack bag over your shoulder (probably shaking the soda up) you dragged the fluffy haired boy out the door. The two of us walked for around 20 minutes, and lied your way into the movie theater with the bag, "We just came from here from cram school, sir, I didn't have time to bring my bag home" You lied, knowing damn well that you'd never invest in a cram school. "If that's so you should have no problem letting me see what's in your bag." The ticket checker smirked, he doesn't believe us, time to pull a card I'd thought I'd never have to pull. "S-sir... you don't wanna see what's in there..." You blushed and looked at Nagito. Nagito started blushing too, just that the thought of doing t h a t with you, even though you were bluffing to get in. "....Have a nice movie." The man said, as he lifted the rope to let you into the theater hall. As the two of you walked into the theater, which was still playing advertisements, you both burst into laughter, gaining the stares of all the couple's and families in the movies. As you read the labels on the seats, you eventually found yours and got the snacks out. And I'm guessing with Nagito's luck, the second we opened our soda cans, the movie started playing. Of course it wasn't scary at first, I don't think he knows that, I could tell because he had the smuggest and the most confident look on his face. Fast forward to around an hour, hes scared shitless, on the verge of tears. Another jumpscare came and he screamed and clinged onto my arm, crying. I pat his head, and played with his fluffy white hair , trying to calm him down. "Maybe we should leave.." I thought, as I pulled nagito up and grabbed the bag, he knew we were leaving , so he reluctantly followed me, hiding his face with his hair so you couldn't tell he was crying. He failed though, since his face was red and there was dried tears on it. We walked with him clinging to my arm, all the way to the park, when I sat him down on a bench. His fluffy hair was pulled over his eyes, so I moved it. It was almost one of the most depressing sights ever. His eyes were red and puffy, how would a simple horror movie scare someone this bad? "How the hell did it scare you that bad?" I questioned, still holding his hair out of his face, by now he stopped crying, but you can tell he was crying. "I-I didn't know it would be that bad,, I've never seen a horror movie." He said between sniffles. "Aww I'm sorry, we won't go to see anymore horror movies from now on, alright?" I hugged him, "Alright"

This one was pretty short but I'll make up for it later with a long one alright?

1576 words

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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Nagito Komaeda X Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon