12-Last Days as Off-Brand Brits

Start from the beginning

"You didn't use your... you-know-what?"

"No, sir." Cici shakes her head swiftly, knowing he's referring to her powers.

"Magic, then?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, for the others. If you are ever in a situation like that again, never use a protection charm. They never work. The only thing that blocks the Killing Curse is a physical barrier."

"But Cici's wasn't physical. It was magic!"

"That's enough, Mr. Weasley. You may all return to your common rooms. It is well past curfew."

Each of them proceeds out one by one, but Dumbledore holds Cici back. "Miss Chiccolini, how did you... you know?" He seems genuinely baffled as if he's never heard of something like this before.

"I used Greek magic."

He cocks his head to the side. "Greek?"

"Yes... sir." The scene looks odd to Cici. This man is the greatest wizard of his time, yet here he is, in the Hogwarts Headmaster's office surrounded by a countless display of magical equipment and award plaques not understanding something a first-year is saying to him. Surely he has heard of Greek magic before...

"I... that is... well, anyway, thank you for keeping the students safe."

"My pleasure." What is she saying?! That's only something Chick-Fil-A workers say!



June 19th

Hey, Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

This just in: seven students including the famous Harry Potter himself saved the so-called Philosopher's Stone from getting into the wrong hands. Apparently, this stone has the power to resurrect people from the dead. According to my sources, last night, twenty masked figures attacked the students and threatened to kill them with "the Killing Curse" which would all have caused them to explode if it wasn't for Harry Potter. He single-handedly saved the other six kids with some sort of unknown protection charm. After that, he drop-kicked the leader of the masked gang who wanted to resurrect the Dark Lord. Thanks to him (not the Quadruplex, who didn't even show up), the Philosopher's Stone is safe!


—Gossip Girl

P.S. Draco Malfoy, you still suck.


"Well, this is pathetic," Gail says, holding her phone across the table for K.C. to see.

"Can we just stop talking about Harry's self-promotion? We have enough bad news already." She gestures to the green and silver banners engulfing the room, then to the overjoyed Slytherins banging their fists at the table. The clatter of plates is getting really annoying.

Gail looks over K.C.'s shoulder and beams at the sight of Draco rallying his friends. "He's on this new ad I saw in The Daily Prophet. I cut it out and put it in my suitcase so I can still see him at home."

K.C. looks up from poking at her food and shoots Gail a look. "So, you're serious about liking him? It's not just a running gag you have?"

She doesn't bother to pry her eyes from him. "Hmm? Oh, look it's Vincent and Greg, too."

"Who the hell are they?" Hannah sits down next to her, making Gail jump out of her trance. It isn't long before Susan slides in next to K.C.

"Crabbe and Goyle. They're on a first-name basis, apparently," K.C. comments, going back to her end of year feast. "I mean, seriously. When are you ever going to give it a rest?"

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