2. Stuck with You

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Avery's Pov


My heart was thumping heavily against my chest, with every minute that passed it kept growing faster and faster, my breath hitching every few seconds to mimic it. 

I couldn't remember much. The last thing I saw before being knocked out was the large tattoed arm that held me down while a sharp needle was injected into my thigh. My eyes were blindfolded by a rough piece of frabic, wrapped tightly aroud my head. They had my arms and legs bound by rope that held me in place, on what felt like a wooden, unstable, chair. 

I winced quietly as I tried to wriggle free, but to no avail. The rope was tied so tight around my flesh, that even the slightest movement, would leave my arms and legs blistered by the harsh material. 

"Non siamo riusciti a trovare nulla sul suo capo." A deep voiced grunted as loud, heavy footsteps began to approach me. I let out a short gasp and bit my lip to refrain from talking. 

(We couldn't find anything about her boss)

Maybe this is just a nightmare. Maybe I had too much ice cream last night and fell alseep watching a crime show. 

"Non ha famiglia e lavora in quel bar." The door opened and I bit my lip harder, forcing myself to remain quiet as multiple footsteps entered, their voices much clearer now. "Non c'era nient'altro"

(She has no family and is working at that bar. There was nothing else )

My heart squeezed tightly as I felt the footsteps come to a halt right in front of me. They were here. I could feel the warmth of their body heat radiating in the room, or wherever I was. 

This is it. I'm gonna die.  

''Togliti la benda'' Another male spoke up, his voice was deep and calm but it was filled with so much authority and power, that I couldn't help but shiver at the mere sound of it. 

(Take off the blindfold)

Within a second, my blind fold was yanked off causing my head to snap back in the process. I screamed and squinted my eyes as it tried to adjust to the light that was pointed directly at me. I blinked a few times and adverted my gaze to my surrounding. 

The walls around me were dark and stained with some sort of brown looking colour, to which I assume is the cause of the foul odor in the room. It was like some sort of old warhouse, with nothing else in it, besides the chair I was on and the chair sitting right in front of me, with the tattooed man from last night.

Sugar plums.

Five muscular giants were standing around me, gun in hand and ready to pounce. The man from last night was seated opposite me, his front pressed against the back of the chair for support as he positioned his legs on either side of it. His arms were bulging as he rested them on top of the old wooden chair, making me gulp at what was to come. 

"Name." Was all he said.

"Avery. Avery Rose." I replied, eyeing the five guns directed at me. 

"Why were you spying on us Avery Rose." I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off, before I could utter out another word, "Who do you work for."

"I- I wasn't spying, I was taking out the trash and I heard screaming. Th- The bin was where you were. I- I swear I di-didn't mean to look." He reamined unbothered and emotionless as he adverted his gaze to the men surrounding me. Within a second I let out a scream as my hair was roughly yanked, making my eyes shoot up at one of the men behind me. His face was much older than the tattooed man in front of me. And unlike the others, he had a scar coming down his right eye to the bottom of his chin. 

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