4. The Circle Crest

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Avery's POV

I spent all day cooped up in the small bedroom that was given to me. I was currently lying on the covers of the soft double bed, my eyes fixated at the plain ceiling above me, as if something interesting would happen to it if I stared at it  long enough. 

Luca had come in a few times to drop off food for me, but that was about 4 hours ago. I was instructed to stay put in the bedroom till someone came to get me for work. 

I sighed and turned my attention away from the ceiling, to the digital clock sitting on my bedside table. 

4:45 pm

Wasn't it a bar that they wanted me to work at? Don't they have happy hour? Don't they need people to work before the bar opens? Why isn't anyone coming to get me?

Just as I was lost in thought my door slammed open, startiling me to a jolt. I sat up immediately as a tall girl walked in. Her dark brunette hair waved about as she walked in hurriedly, her breath hitching while she looked at me. 

"You're the new girl?" I only nodded. "Jesus fucking Christ, they have got to be joking me" Her hand fell to her face as she let out a frustated sigh. Without looking at me she turned around and stormed back out of my room, leaving me extremely confused and slightly offended for some reason. 

"DANTE!!! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!" Her voice screeched, causing me to wince from the sudden loudness. This is the longest human interaction I've had all day and they send me someone louder than a megaphone.

I remained seated at the edge of my bed as footsteps echoed throughout the hallway outside. The brunette walked back in, pointing her long red nails at me accusingly as a man ran in beside her. They were most definitely twins. They both looked exactly identical, same tall nose, same dark hair, and they both had a mole on the edge of their right eye. 

"Look at her Dante! I can't send someone like her down to the bar, that's like sending a rabbit into a cave full of lions!" She yelled, looking at him frustatedly, her hands waving about as she spoke. "You fix this, I can't send her to my bar!"

"Zo, it's out of my control this time. Vince told me that she has to work there starting from tonight." He looked over at me and offered an awkward smile before facing his sister again. "No matter what, an order is an order, she's your responsibility now. And don't say its your bar again please, if someone else hears and Vince gets word of it, I won't be able to help you. I gotta go, but you two have fun!" 

With that, he bolted back out the door, his loud footsteps retreating down the corridor. And just like that, the room fell back into silence. 

"My names Avery." Now its my turn to offer the awkward smile. 

She looked at me for a split second and then proceeded to throw her head backwards, letting out yet another frustated sigh.

"My names Zoella, but you can call me Zo or Zoe." She started, composing herself again as she looked at me. "I didn't mean to be rude, you just, no offence, you just don't look like a bar girl that we've hired."

"I have 2 years of waitressing experiences and back, well back before I was taken here, I was being taught how to make cocktails, if that helps? I'm also a fast learner so there nothing I won't be able to -"

"Its not that. This bar they want you to work at, it's different to the bars you have seen and I just know its not your cup of tea. I honestly don't know why they want to send you there, or why they hired you here in the first place." She shook her head and pulled out her phone, tapping away on it  quickly before looking at me again. "Look, Avery yeah?" I nodded silently. 

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