Chapter One: The Neighbor

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POV- Francesca DiVita

“Francesca vieni aiutare” my mother yelled. She asked me to come help; We’ve just moved into our new house and there’s so much to do. My mother raised me in strong Italian roots and I’ve been told that’s where I get my determination from. On the other hand, sometimes that’s where I get my impatience and weak temper.

After unloading boxes for a while, I couldn’t help but think of what this would mean for me now. I wondered if my life would ever be what it once was and how I felt about that until I dazed off, awaking the next morning for breakfast.

My mother always liked to talk. She’d talk about anything, even when I’d rather remain hushed. She always had a way with words and creating concepts from thoughts, then actions from those very concepts. Admirable? Yes. But at the same time very hard to stand with. She always encouraged me to make new friends and be more open with myself but time closeted in a house with my father did a lot to my communication skills and emotions. Even more than I am, I think she’s hoping this Monday at my first day in school I find friends who could let me in.

In fear of ruining my last solid chance of friendship and my only chance at a high school experience, I found it in myself to walk next door and try to meet the neighbors; anything to come out of my shell. The house directly to the right of mine was home to a girl named Sarah and she seemed like she had her life together. She played field hockey and though she was very nice, she seemed like she fit in with a whole different group than I did. I feel like she’s the type of person who wouldn’t care to come close with me back in Miami, but maybe here things could be different.

She invited me in her house and there were three other girls there named Sam, Isabella, and Brooke who were more of that popular type I knew deep down I wasn’t. I was always into reading books and leading my own life. These girls had other things going for them I’d have to learn to live by. We watched Mean Girls and I had to make believe I saw it at least 200 times and knew all of the words. After a while of seeing these girls just act themselves, I realized I could be comfortable and they’d be chill with anything.

When it finished, they started talking about a bunch of school things because school did just start a week ago for them. “Did you hear Julia and Colin broke up over the summer? Could you believe it?!” one noted.

“I can’t even! They were so cute together!” another replied.

“At least he’s single now,” the one named Sam said. They all looked at her with some look, “Okay I have a boyfriend but I meant for you all of course!” They laughed and I did too bandwagoning along.

“So who’s to like around here?” I said hoping my question would flow with the previous conversation.

“What do you wanna know about?” said Bella, “Who’s the best looking or who’s worth dating and getting to know? That is guys of course,”

“Both,” I answered confident in her. She spoke like she knew all one needed to know about the matter.

“The Dolan Twins have the looks going for them,” Bella said.

“Who?” I answered very curious and excited.

“There are these twins. Their names are Ethan and Grayson. Holy hot can I tell you it’s like heaven gazing into-” she began.

“Why do I recall hearing this before? Oh wait because you say it almost everyday!” Sarah interrupted giggling.

“But to finish, Sarah got her heart broken by Ethan last summer. Though she claims the experience in itself was still a pleasure, he’s kind of off limits for us now. Not by her choice but by female etiquette. Grayson’s on the market and he told Shane who told Sam who told me he’s had a thing for me forever but I don’t know things are complicated and he’s just a douche bag jock at heart. His looks kill but I don’t want him to break my heart I don’t care how much of a pleasure it might be,” Bella ranted.

The girls showed me pictures of them. So many pictures to the point that it’d come second nature to tell them apart and we’d never even met. I just couldn’t wait to see them and hopefully work something out. This wasn’t within my comfort zone, talking to guys, but I have to try. I just have to.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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