scentlessness. | 14.

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kenma was quietly hinata slept peacefully on his back, heading back to his apartment. Finally, after a long while of walking, he got home.

he set hinata on his bed, humming. He was exhausted, but needed to shower before going to sleep.

with a sigh, he made his way to his shower and turned it on the coldest setting. He hated it when water was warm. It made him feel gross.

he slowly stripped, not daring to look at himself in the mirror—he didn't like his own reflection—and looked at the cuts on his upper arms. How long had it been since he did that? He couldn't remember.

was it...during one of the periods he was awake, but couldn't remember it...?

all he knew is that they were recent. Very recent. And that he couldn't remember making them.

he narrowed his eyes, getting in the shower and sitting in the rain-like water.

he slowly washed his hair and body, being done after about ten minutes. He gave a final sight as he slipped on a sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants, cold.

he looked to hinata, who was still peacefully asleep, and softened. In the two days that he was gone, he never realized how much he meant to him.

blush crept over his face, what was he thinking?! He pushed it aside and got in his bed, subconsciously pulling hinata to him.

then, he realized it. He was horrified.

hinata was scentless.

he didn't smell of the city, kenma's soap, hair stuff, his clothes—he didn't even have his trademarked citrus-cinnamon-fresh air scent.

he rejected it, trying his everliving hardest to imagine his scent. He just...he couldn't. He was completely scentless, nothing, no where, not a drop.

he choked out silent tears. He couldn't say he was dead.

he knew it. He couldn't- he wouldn't accept it. He had no body warmth, the wings, the feathers, the flight, now the scentlessness? He couldn't accept it.

kenma slowly ran his fingers thought his wet hair, curling around hinata—trying to at least give him the comfort of warmth on his all-too-cold body.

- the lack of scent; scentless.
- a made up word for a fanfiction.
hhhhh im not cryinv u are
anyway is there anything called pepermint poisoning, or getting high off eating pepermint? i've eaten like over 30 pepermint mints in ~20-40 minutes or less and i feel suuupeeerrr zooted and sick

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