Chapter 2

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Thank you everyone who took a chance on this story and read the first chapter! I so appreciate all of your support!

Happy Reading!


The Mandalorian turned his helmet so he was looking down at the small woman at his side. The stormtroopers both seemed afraid of her, but she seemed perfectly ordinary. There didn't appear to be anything special about her. She was somewhere in her mid to late twenties, and had a long snarled braid of dark hair running down her back. Her skin was pale and sallow and there were bags under her eyes that looked like bruises. There was no fear in her violet eyes as the Stormtroopers searched for them even though she looked as though she could barely stand.

She cocked her head to the side as though she were listening to something. Then she tapped his shoulder and pointed to their left. Seconds later the Stormtroopers appeared exactly where she had said. The Mandalorian killed one while she fired at the second one.

While The Mandalorian was busy with his stormtrooper Yara swung around and fired her blaster at a third who ran into the room. She killed him with a single shot to the heart before he even made it out of the doorway.

The Mandalorian looked back down at the small woman. Did she have special hearing? She seemed to be able to know the stormtroopers were there before he did.

"Let's go," he said.

They stepped over the bodies of the stormtroopers and moved into corridor.

"One in front, one behind," Yara warned a second before the two doors on either end slid open. Yara whirled around, pressing her back against his and shooting the stormtrooper dead with a single shot as the Mandalorian roasted the one on his side with his flame thrower. The smell of burned flesh and melting plastic flooded Yara's nose. She wrinkled her nose, glancing at the Mandalorian, but he didn't appear bothered. She supposed he must have had a filter in his helmet or she didn't think he would be so quick to roast people. They stepped out into the main room and Yara slowed.

The Mandalorian glanced over his shoulder at the woman in confusion. So far she had been nothing but eager to get out of here, now she was hesitating. Was it fear of freedom?

"Mandalorian," she said in a hushed tone. "Give me the child," she ordered urgently.

He looked at her but didn't move to comply. There was something slightly off about her, he just couldn't put his finger on it. As much as he appreciated her help he was beginning to think trusting her might not be a great idea. The Stormtrooper's fear just didn't make sense. He tightened his arm around the child.

"They're coming!" she warned him. "You'll need your hands free."

The Mandalorian continued across the room as though he hadn't heard her. A moment later five stormtroopers surrounded them from all sides. Yara swung around, pressing her shoulders against the Mandalorian's back so they could each watch their enemies closing in on them from all sides.

Yara tightened her jaw. Had he just listened to her this could have all been avoided. She fought to make sense of the new flood of flashes every time she blinked. She cursed the drugs they had flooded into her system and fought to keep her eyes open. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes as she fought to stay focused on what was happening around them in the moment.

"Freeze! Drop your weapons!" the lead Stormtrooper warned.

"Wait," the Mandalorian said in a calm voice as he raised his hand holding his blaster. "What I'm holding is very valuable," he told them. He turned slowly to face the small woman standing behind him. Her shoulders were tight with tension as she kept her eyes and blaster on the stormtroopers on her side of the room. She glanced back at him when he moved and he nodded to her, encouraging her to follow his lead.

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