Chapter 16

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Hello all! We are already at almost 1500 reads. That's amazing for a story that has been out for such a short period of time. Thank you all for helping me continue to grow it! I got so excited, I decided I just had to get the next update out to you. I hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading!!

"All right, suns are down, time to ride Mando. Come on, wake up," Toro called and he approached them. Yara felt Mando shift as he woke up, but he didn't move or give any indication he had heard Toro.

Toro dropped his chin to meet Yara's eyes. "Why the hell do you travel with that tin can anyway? You know you don't need him. Someone like me could keep you just as safe."

Yara scowled at him and feeling very conscious of the fact that Mando was awake and listening she lifted her chin defiantly. "I travel with him because he knows I can keep myself safe," she told him. "I'm part of his crew, we work together," she said resolutely.

Mando flexed his jaw. She was right of course, she could look out for herself, especially with that gift of hers. She had proved that time and time again. He had a bad habit of being overprotective and he needed to take her words to heart.

"Yeah well," Toro said dismissively. "I can keep you a whole lot warmer."

Unable to take much more of the kids attitude Mando lifted his chin. "You done?" Mando's voice growled through his vocoder, rough and lower than normal.

Toro flinched and spun away. "Yeah, yeah I'm done," Toro stammered as he tried to act casual. "I ah-"

Mando climbed to his feet and Yara followed. "Save it," he growled and he turned back to his pack of supplies.

"So what's the plan?" Toro asked, still obviously nervous about the interaction. Yara took a small amount of satisfaction from watching the young man squirm.

"Get on your bike. Ride as fast as you can towards those rocks," Mando told him, his back still turned.

"Charge her? That's your plan?" Toro scoffed. "She'll snipe us right off the bikes."

Mando turned around and tossed a gun to Toro. "It's a flash charge. We alternate shots, it'll blind any scope temporarily. Combine that with our speed and we got a chance."

"A chance?" Toro asked in disbelief. His eyes flashed to Yara as though she could someone talk some sense into him.

"Hey," Mando called, pulling Toro's eyes off of Yara. He shrugged casually. "You wanted this. Get ready."

Yara climbed on behind Mando. He reached down and touched her hands once more, just briefly. "Stay behind me, no matter what," he told her. "The beskar will protect us both. It should hold up until we get close."

"And then?" Yara prompted.

Instead of answering Mando fired up the bike.

They took off. Mando fired the first shot. Then Toro. Just before Mando fired his second their bike exploded beneath them. The two of them went flying off into the sand. Mando rolled with momentum and before he had stopped rolling he fired the flare again. Then he turned, the need to put himself between the sniper and Yara pounded in his ears. He took a step towards her prone form and was hit in the middle of his chest, sending him skidding back on top of her.

One Endless Night - A Mandalorian FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang