Chapter 1

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Hello all! I'm so glad you decided to give the story a try! I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback as I go. It's been a little while since I've started a new project and I'm very excited about it! 


Happy Reading!


Yara didn't know how long she had been there. Weeks...months...maker she hoped it wasn't years. It didn't feel like years, but it all blended together in a nightmare of tests, blood draws and endless hours strapped down to the med cot.

She was beginning to have trouble telling the difference between memories of her past, new experiences and those strange flashes that were somehow neither. It was the flashes that they wanted. They were the reason she had been kept here. But she couldn't tell the difference no matter how much they hurt her. It all blended together in the drug induced haze they had hoped would make the flashes stronger.

The Imperial faction was in hiding, she knew that much, but she wasn't sure why they wanted her. Why the flashes of half forgotten dreams were so important to them. They had gone to great effort to take her and keep her however.

The very thing they wanted to study about her actually made her quite difficult to keep prisoner. It was hard to keep someone who seemed to have the uncanny ability to always guess correctly where the keys were being kept, or seemed to just know when and where the guards were without thinking about it.

Yara had been moved into the main lab when it happened. The whole place was buzzing, like insects under her skin. Even the bosses, still wearing their Imperial uniforms, perfectly pressed, as though it meant something, were excited. The troopers had even chatted about the new specimen when they had moved her from her cage to the lab.

She caught hazy flashes, somehow tied to their conversation, but it had been a while since she had been given the drugs that made them easier to see. She was glad to ignore them, the flashes were usually accompanied by a terrible headache. They laid her back down on the Med cot, strapping her down and left her there. A short time later the scientist came in with something in his arms.

It took Yara's tired brain longer than it should to realize it was a child wrapped in a blanket. A child was the last thing she had expected to see in the Imperial lab Yara frowned, looking from the scientist to the child. He was barely more than an infant. He had large, bat-like ears and green, wrinkly skin. He turned and met her gaze across the room, his eyes were inky black like the darkest reaches of space.

She couldn't explain it, but for the first time since Yara had been brought here, she felt a glimmer of hope. She frowned at the child, trying to decide what about it would make her feel that way. When they had taken her they had killed her family, her fiancé and all of her friends. Yara had been locked in knowing no one was coming for her. Hope had not been something she had felt for a long time.

The scientist placed the child on a cot next to her, humming excitedly to himself. The infant squeaked when he placed the IV, but was quiet once again once the drugs entered it's system. Not once in all the time she had been kept here had the scientist acknowledged she was a living, breathing human. It didn't appear he was about to change his behavior with the child. The scientist turned to her and administered the drugs that would make the world go hazy.

Her head fell back against the cot and when she turned her head towards the cot next to her the child was looking at her. It's wide black eyes met hers and there was a flash between one blink and the next that was too fast for her to be able to tell what it was or what it meant. The scientist left them then, the door sliding shut behind him. 

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