Chapter 27

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Hello All! I'm back with more Yara and Mando! My busy season of work is slowly winding down and I'm enjoying getting back to writing!

Happy Reading!


"All right," Mayfeld said once they were all on board the prison ship. "We're on the clock. When we engage those droids, they're gonna be all over us," he said shoving his shoulder into Mando's as he moved to take the lead.

"I know the drill," Mando said, his voice buzzed emotionlessly through the vocoder. He was liking this situation less and less as time went by. He wanted Yara out of there as fast as possible. He glanced down at her, but she was entirely focused on watching the dimly lit hall at their back. She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them, she met his gaze. She shrugged her shoulders in way that told him her gift wasn't providing any insight at that time.

"Bio trackers activated," Zero informed them through their comms. "I've got eyes."

"All right, let's go," Mayfeld said and he led the way, clearing every corner as they moved toward the bridge.

Mando followed right behind Mayfeld and Yara brought up the rear. She didn't like the idea of allowing Xi'an and Burg at Mando's back. She had her hand resting against her blaster, but she hadn't pulled it yet. The ship was eerily quiet for supposedly being full of prisoners. She didn't like the feeling she was getting as they passed several of the heavy cell doors. There were individuals on this ship they couldn't risk letting escape job be damned.

"I don't like this," Mando muttered as they stepped around another corner.

"You always were paranoid," Xi'an said and she flashed Yara a toothy grin, as though every single bit of personal information she wielded was some kind of victory. As though she could prove her relationship with Mando had somehow been more intimate than anything that existed between Mando and Yara.

"Is that true Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfeld mocked Xi'an's flirty tone. Despite his mocking tone he kept his eyes sharp and stayed focused on the job at hand.

In between one blink and the next Yara turned. "On the left," Yara warned.

There was a loud slam on Mayfeld's left and he jumped, his eyes snapping first to the prisoner who had startled him and then back to Yara. "Don't go giving them ideas," he snarled angrily as the others laughed at his discomfort.

Mando and Yara however didn't laugh. Yara's senses were beginning to tingle as the tension in their group ramped up. Adrenaline flowed through her making the tips of her fingers tingle in anticipation and every blink held the potential for a warning. The others were all too distracted to notice that Yara's warning had been far too quiet for the prisoner to have heard, and came well before he had moved.

"Approaching control room. Make a left at the next juncture," Zero commanded.

Mando and Mayfeld cleared the next corner and a small droid skittered out around the corner. They both froze, waiting to see if the droid would report their presence as intruders.

Burg walked up to it. "What?" he mocked the others. "It's just a little mousey." He pulled his blaster, holding it behind his back. "Come here little mousey," he encouraged.

"Burg," Mayfeld warned, if the droid reported them it was all over.

The droid wheeled around, making an alarmed noise, and Burg shot it.

"Ah Burg, what are you doing?" Mayfeld snapped.

"What?" Burg asked with a careless shrug.

Yara closed her eyes and snapped them open a moment later. "Droids!" Yara called and she jumped back behind one of the pillars for cover. Xi'an looked at her like she was nuts, but the next second four security droids came around the corner.

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