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Ally's POV
I guess today is the day of our field trip, Eleanor and I are not excited because it's about the nerves and how the measure how ticklish you are. We are both really ticklish, like what if they want like a person to demonstrate how ticklish they are, what if that person is me?
"Hello earth to Ally" El distracts me from that thought.
"What? Sorry I was thinking." I need to relax.
"Yeah I could tell, I've been calling your name for like 5 minutes." El pokes my side, I squeal. "Cmon we're getting ready to leave." El tells me as she leaves.
"Okay I'm coming" I grab my bag with some general makeup and my phone. We aren't allowed to wear any makeup because I guess by the end of the day we would've sweat it all off. Plus we have to wear a swimsuit, I'm kinda scared because I have no clue where this place is, what it is, or what it does.
"Okay we're all ready head to the buses now." The health teacher calls. Since Eleanor and I are the closest to the buses we get one of the back seats, the down fall of the back seat is the crush Logan and his friend Mikey is sitting in the seat next to us.
"So Eleanor and Ally," we turn our heads and Logan is talking to us," are you excited for this trip?" I can tell he's really scared.
"To be honest, no I'm terrified." I tell him, I really hope he doesn't put clues together and figure out I'm really ticklish.
"Why?" I guess Logan isn't that smart.
"Well I have no idea where this place is, what it is, and what is does."
"Logan that is a very good reason why she's terrified."  Mikey tells him.
"I guess it is." Logan seems in awe kinda. I don't know why, but he seems it.
They turn around and El and I were just about to talk to each other when the health teacher interrupts us.
"Okay since we have an even number of people on each bus this is your group for the trip. So when we get there in expecting you to be on your best behavior. If I hear anything bad about you guys there will be punishment. Have fun!"
I turn to El, "she expects us to have fun? We don't even know what we're going to do at the place!"
"Ally calm down it's fine we're in the same group." Okay I'm a little calmer.
"I really wonder what is going to happen." I tell El.
"I honestly have no idea, I'm kinda scared." El admits.
After a while of talking we fall asleep.
"Ally, El wake up. We're here."
"What? Who's there?" How long was I asleep?
"Ally it's Logan, you feel asleep awhile ago."
"Oh, ok." I'm so awkward. I look out the window, we are at a convenient store. What?!

So yea a new book! I'll update the other books ASAP.

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