Ask: Eridan

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Eridan whos your biggest crush next to fef it can be male or female ;)- kitty3303

CA: wwell i dont knoww

CA: evveryone other than fef is disgustin or creepy

CA: especially sollux

CA: i wwould nevver havve a crush on that fuckin piss blood

CA: hes just so fuckin annoying it pisses me off evven thinkin about him

CA: definitely no lovvey dovvey feelins in that relationship

CA: i might havve a crush on him but there is not bloody wway im tellin you

CA: hey i can tell youre judgin stop it

CA: some trolls say i havve a crush on kar

CA: again evven if i did havve a crush on that lowwblood I wwouldnt tell you

CA: thats classified information betwween nep and i

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