Ask: Sollux

720 22 4

I need a friend is anyone willing?- kitty3303

TA: 2iince KK 2ay2 II need more friiend2 II deciided two giive thii2 a 2hot

TA: and con2iideriing your probably lonely riight now II thiink we could both do wiith 2ome company

TA: *sits down and pats next to him for you to sit* 2iince we are now 'friiend2' tell me a biit about yourself

TA: II managed two fuck up my other friiend2hiips pretty bad la2t tiime

TA: and II dont want that happeniing agaiin becau2e iim actually pretty lonely

TA: but dont tell anyone

TA: gog know2 what would happen iif fii2hdiick found out about that *sighs*

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