Zach Herron

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I had a dream, that me and a friend went to a little concert that Why Don't We did. Before the show started, me and her were exploring the building, because we're dumb like that. Anyway, we went down this hall and we saw Zach. I bolted down a few other hallways, her following, and for some reason our guys best friend was there so he was with us. We got in an elevator, and me being me, I stood in the corner. 

Then, Zach comes on the elevator, I look up at him and look back down because I made eye contact with him. I looked back down and blushed like crazy. Then when the elevator started going, I got really dizzy. So, Becca being Becca, and Zach being Zach, they both went to stop the elevator. We all got out of the elevator, and Zach left, 

I felt fine. Becca said "You know, when you guys made eye contact and you looked away, Zach had the biggest smile on his face" I blushed and just started walking. When the show was about to start, Becca, me and Jack (our friend) ran to the elevator. 

Again, there was Zach but Daniel was with him. When Becca and Daniel made eye contact, they both did the same thing me and Zach did. We stood in the same spots going down, but Daniel was standing where Zach was standing, making Zach be in the middle of us. When he bumped into me a little, the butterflies were doing cartwheels.

Then Daniel whispered in Zach's ear "Zach. She's cute. Talk to her" He said that motioning to me. Zach looked down at me and said "Hi, I'm Zach" I didn't know he was talking to me, so when I looked up at him, he had the biggest smile. "I know. I'm Jovie" He looked at me and said "That's an original name" Becca laughed and said, "She told me her parents were on drugs when they had her" I giggled, "I swear they were, where else would a name like this come from?" Daniel let out a small laugh, so did Zach.

Zach turned to me when the elevator stopped, "Well, I'm here for a show and that's kind of what I got to do, I'll see you after?" I nodded my head then he left. Jack nudged me "Ooh, Jovie has a crush" Of course Jack didn't know that Zach was why we were there. "Obviously. I've had a crush on him for months" I sorta shouted. 

We all her a shout "Let's go Zachary" We all assumed it was Daniel, so we left the elevator to see Daniel and Zach grinning wildly. They ran to backstage. We follow them, but didn't go backstage. We saw them talking to the other boys and they start cheering and shouting. Then me and Zach made eye contact again and he smiled I did too, then we left. We sat close to the front and while they were singing, Zach looked at me and smiled while he was singing. 

He reached his hand out to mine, I did the same. When we held hands, he didn't let go. When he did, and he wasn't singing, he handed me something. Becca shoved me like a crazy person. But I would've done the same to her so. I read he note, "Meet me in the back-parking lot after the show, by the bus. xo Zach" It had a smiley face at the end. I just smiled and laughed a little. "That's Zach for you." I said under my breathe. But I said it facing the stage and he just laughed. 

After the show, we all went to the destination. When he saw me he had a cute smile and ran up to me and hugged me so tight. I laughed and said "Woah Zach, It's only been about an hour, and you were watching me the whole concert" I laughed after he released me, and he laughed too. "Was not" He said. "YOU WERE TOO" Becca, Jack, and literally all of the boys said at the same time. Then laughed. We all hung out, and Jack was hanging out with Jonah A LOT. Me and Becca hung out with Zach and Daniel all the time.

"So, you guys live here right?"(This was in Tennessee) Daniel said out of nowhere. "Yeah. And?" Me and Becca said at the same time. "And you guys like music?" Zach finished. "Yes" I said. "She wants to start a career." Becca said to them "Yeah, and any tour I go on you are coming with me" I said nudging her.

 We all laughed for a minute. "How would you three, like to come finish tour with us, and move to LA with us?" Jonah said. "Can we?" Becca asked looking at me. "Of course" I told her. We all heard squealing, really loud squealing. Fans. 

We ran in the bus and hung out. We started hanging out with them, Jonah and Jack were hanging out a lot. Who would've thought. Me and Zach, Becca and Daniel all dated. (*TO CLARIFY. I WAS DATING ZACH, BECCA AND DANIEL WERE DATING. NOT ALL FOUR OF US TOGETHER. THAT'S JUST... I-*) Becca and I got famous and started opening shows for the boys. And management was fine with it. 

Anyway, yeah that my dream. Hope you enjoyed the entertainment. >:)

883 words, written December 2nd, 2020. Published, December 2nd, 2020

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