Cosplay Moi~?

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Yo France! Have you seen some people cosplay Hetalia? It's awesome! I cosplay China, aru! Maybe i'll start talking like him more :) Anyway Cya


I looked at France in anticipation, waiting for his answer.

"What's hetalia?" he asked.

"Fraaaanncccisssss, I already told you. They made a show in Japan out of you," I said.


"Not just you. England and all the other countries too," I answered.

"Oh.... That's why when I search myself on the Internet, I get girls dressed up as moi," he muttered.

"That's called cosplay Francey."

He smiled. "I wouldn't mind meeting some of mon cosplayers. Especially if they are girls," he answered.

"MEH! I cosplay you!" I protested.

He looked me over and shook his head. "You look more like America.... If he was a girl," he said.

"I cosplay that too!"

France smiled. "Bien. Merci for le question!"

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