Lalala~ Luuucy~

245 11 1

Okay so~ it's been a while and well i feel kind of embarrassed to ask this but may you, Alice and France come when the baby is born?

Also congratulations on almost reaching the book's limits of chapters. I mean you can only post 100 chapters and you have 93 if you post this one up. ^^


"Oui~! I will! We should name him Romeo so mon fille, Juliette, can hook up with him and they can be Romeo and Juliette~," France said.

"She never said it was going to be a boy! And stop setting babies up with your two year old daughter!" I scolded.

"Desole~. Desole~."

"Sure. We will come. For that kids birth...." I said.

I paused. "That many chapters? Wow. I wonder if I should start an ask France two... I mean, if I get more questions..."

"You should~! I love this~!" France smiled.

"Whoa. This is like, special. This would be the second thing I finish. WAIT. what about the other countries and admins questions? How many do they have? I feel so popular~," I babbled.

France put a hand over my mouth. "Merci pour la question."

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