....(I can't think of a title for this one.....)

757 22 14

France I'm an amarican teenaged girl just wanting to let you know that your ascent is so turning me on, and I have two things to ask you. One what is your favorite time of year? And will you go out with me on a date?Oh and do you ever feel like the people you will trust with your life won't trust you with a little secret of there's? it makes me really sad that they do this to me. Would you do liptinstien and any one from axis and allied powers?

Please cheer me up France ; D wink wink!

- JessicaSpringer

France smiled. "I can tell you're American. You spelled it wrong," he said, laughing a little. "Mon favorite time of year..? Ah~ that would be Christmas. Where everyone gets drunk and has a gang bang. It's quite nice~." He chuckled. I glared at him. "Next question," I muttered still typing out his other answers.

"Oh~! Ah. Non. I don't think that's ever happened to moi..."

He studied the next part of the question. "What the hell is a liptinstien?" he muttered.

"I think she means Lichtenstein," I said.

"Oh~! Sweet little Lichtenstein~. Maybe when she's older and...not being guarded by Switzerland..." He grimaced at the thought of a gun to his head because he banged Lichtenstein.

"And le date~?" I asked, smirking.

"Ohonhonhon~ I would love to go on a date~! That would be so much fun. First, we go to mon favorite resturaunt. Then~ we go to mon place, have a few drinks, turn the lights down low.. Mmm~ nnngh~," he murmured.

I facepalmed and hit him. "Stop with the sex talk, ya weirdo."

"Aha~ hon~ Merci for le question~!" He blew a kiss.

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