An unexpected guest

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Chapter 12-
A- What's going on?!
A- I'm back..
V- I thought you really left this time.. I'm so glad you here!
A- It's good to be here..

Angie smiled nicely to her niece and Violetta hugged her tightly.

G- Angie are you okay..?
A- Yeah.. I'm just.. So tired.. And..

Angie couldn't finish her sentence because she fell on the ground.

G- Oh Angie!!
V- What's going on?!
G- I don't know..

German took Angie in his arms and put her on the sofa. Angie woke up a few seconds later.

G- You're alright?!
A- I think so..
G- What happened?
A- I don't know I just felt so weak and then I fell... Can you call a doctor?
G- I will!

German left to call a doctor, a few minutes later the doctor came in.

Doc- This might be more than you've been expecting for!
A- What do you mean?
Doc- Miss Carrara did you have a "rapport" in these few months?

Angie looked worried at German.

A- Yes. Yes I did. But I took my pills and..
Doc- I need a test to be sure but miss Carrara I'm pretty sure that you are pregnant.
Doc- I know it might be a shock at first. And I'm not sure at 100% but you could be pregnant.. You'll have to come in my office later. This way I could assure you that you are pregnant. Or not!
G- Thanks doctor, can you come in my office? We'll treat the last details.
Doc- Sure.

German and the doctor came into german's office.

V- Angie it's amazing !!
A- Violetta.. It's not sure at 100% ..
V- I'm gonna be a sister!

Angie decided to let Violetta dreamed about that. But she was afraid of giving her hope and then.. Nothing happens.. It's been only days since she's with German.. And she already is pregnant.. It makes no sense! Will she be a good mother? She didn't know what to do or what to think.. And German.. He had doubts about their relationship and now she is pregnant? What if he doesn't want the baby.. What if .. STOP WITH YOUR WHAT IF.

The story goes faster.. I'm sorry it might be boring but I didn't know what to write ! 😱💕

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