The bitch's gone!

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Chapter 4-

Angie woke up in the Castillo House, she remembered ! Violetta German Priscila. Priscila.
She got dressed and walked to the kitchen where Olga was cooking.

O- Ooh Ang..
A- Where's Priscila?
O- Nice to see you too dearie!
O- Wait.. WHAT? OMG!
G- Calm down she's not home.
A- I'm gonna kill her. This is between me and her. Why did she push Violetta?!? What if Violetta.. Didn't wake up.. What if she was d..
A- I'm sorry..

Angie started to cry and German hugged her.

G- It's okay Angie.. We'll be fine.. We always will! I hate when you cry.. Give me your pretty little smirk back please!
A- What did you say?
G- You have the brightest smile I've ever seen and I want you to give it back to me!

Angie smiled.. German is adorable with her!

A- German.. Can I ask you something?
G- Sure !
A- Be honest..
G- I will!
A- Do you still have feelings for me?
G- I..

Priscila, who had listened to the whole conversation, came back from the kitchen.

P- My love! And. Youu..

Angie was angry. She wanted to do something but German took her hand and put himself in front of her.

G- Priscila. Did you push Violetta in the park?
P- Do not listen to that bitch she only wants you!
A- Well this part is true..
G- What?! You still lo..
A- Did I think out loud? Shit.
P- She's a bitch.
G- She's not. She the prettiest, the kindest person I've ever met. And she's my daughter's aunt so please do not talk to her this way.
P- You have to make a choice. It's me. Or her.
G- Priscila this is ridiculous!
P- Why?
A- Because he will choose me !
P- German?
G- Need to talk in privacy.

Angie smiled at him and went into the kitchen. 20 minutes later German came into the kitchen.

A- What did you do?
G- I've made the best choice of my life..
A- Did you ..
G- I choose you.

Angie blushed and hugged German.

A- Thank you..
G- Angie.. Will you forgive me?
A- For what?
G- For everything I've done! I've been such an idiot. I made you suffer last year and all of that.. I'm so sorry..

Angie looked into german's eyes.

A- It's okay I'm not angry.

She kissed his cheek.

A- I have to go! See you later?
G- Of course!

Angie smiled to German who smiled back. Angie left the house and went to the studio where...

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