A mistake

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Chapter 7-

German was in his office when he heard the door opens.

G- Angie! Did you get .. Violetta!
V- Helloooo! What's going on with Angie?
G- Nothing important! How was your night with the Caviglia?
V- It was perfect ! Her parents were so kind with me !

German laughed then hugged his daughter. After this little moment together Angie came home.

A- Hey..
G- Hey..
V- Angie is something wrong with you?!
A- What..?
V- When I went home papa asked if I got something, he thought it was you!
A- Ah.. I ! Hum. Yes. Yes. I got it!

Said she, blushing.

G- Great! So..
V- I know both of you too well. Tell me what's going on. Now!
G- Angie slept here yesterday because she.. Lost her key! But she got it back now! Am I right?
A- Yes! Yes of course! They were in the studio! What a Jade may I be !
V- What a Jade?

Violetta started to laugh as loud as she could.

V- Wait a minute. You slept there yesterday?! I wasn't home.. As Olga and Ramallo.. Sooo you two were ALONE!

Violetta started jumping in the living room. She was too happy!

V- So can I call you "mother" now?

Said she, laughing.

A- Nothing happened Vilu. Your father and I didn't do anything I slept in my bedroom as I always did years ago.
V- You're not funny Angie !

She smiled sarcastically to her aunt then she went upstairs.

G- Why didn't you tell her?
A- You don't want to know what I'm thinking.
G- Of course I want to! What are you thinking about?

Said he while putting his hand on Angie's cheek.

A- You surely don't.
G- Tell me, please..!
A- Last night was the biggest mistake of my life! I'm not the kind of woman who "give" theirselves to a man after one night. Our story should've been romantic as hell.. We should've kiss passionately like the first time, when you kissed me in the kitchen and..

She got interrupted by German, putting his lips against hers, passionately as she asked.

G- Angie I love you, I always will. I didn't slept with you because I wanted to slept with someone! I did it because I wanted you. Because I love you. And you didn't "give" yourself to me after "one night" as you said! You did it after three years and it's long enough.. Our story is not finished. It has just begun!

Said he, while looking deeply in her eyes.

A- I ..

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