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Chapter 5-

Pb- Yeah.. I know it hurts but.. The studio can't do it anymore. We have to close the doors.
A- But Pablo! Please..

Angie started to cry. It's impossible. The studio was her life since she turned 15. It's been 13 years now.. And it won't be "only" 13 years.

Pb- We'll wait the end of the week to tell it.

Angie didn't say anything and came home. German's house.

G- Angie!
A- Not now please.
G- Wait a minute!

He took her by the arm.

G- Did you cry?

Angie couldn't say anything so she just jumped in german's arms and cried.

A- They.. Will close the studio.
G- Oh.. Why?!
A- Money.. We don't have it.
G- I'm sorry..

He hugged her as long as he can. Then he let her go.

G- You'll be fine Angie.
A- I don't know .. Maria. Antonio. The studio. I lost everything I ever loved..
G- You have me !
A- I have.. You?
G- And Violetta! y'know we're family !
A- Oh! Yes.. Of course.


A- I have to go!
G- I heard that!

Angie kissed German on his cheek and then she went to see Vilu.


G- I'm such an idiot.
R- You finally admit it.
G- Ramallo can you shut your mouth up?
R- Didn't say anything.
G- ..
R- What's the matter?
G- I love her. I want her. I need her. But every time I saw her I can't do anything I'm like frozen..
R- Why don't you tell her? She's waiting for that since you almost married Jade!
G- It's not that easy you kn..

German gets interrupted by a phone ring. Not his or Ramallo's. But Angie's.

A- No!
R- Yes you are!
A- I mean.. I'm a ghost. I'm not Angie. Bouuuuh..!
G- Angie stop it!

Angie came into the kitchen, blushing.

A- Sorry.. I forgot my bag and I wanted to take it then I heard you were talking about me and I.. You really want me?!
G- I.. Of course..

German was also blushing now.

R- Oh, time to go!

Ramallo smiled to both of them and walked away.
German took Angie's hands.

G- Without you I can't breathe. You're my air. When I'm with you my heart goes faster I can't control that. Your smile changes my mood! Every time I see you I just want you harder and harder! I love you Angie.. I love you.

Angie couldn't say anything. She was happy. Happy to finally have the man she wanted. But..

A- I'm sorry..

Then she ran away.

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