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Magsimula sa umpisa

The twins lead us upstairs, the second level of the shop was more spacious, the shelves more vacant. On the right hand side, a hooded doorway with a lock guarded the enterance to the flat. The stairs where inside a tower shaped extension of the building, a window halfway up the spiraling case lit up the short steps. A second door at the top of the staircase was open, revealing the flat.

It had the same homely, mellow buzz as the Burrow back in Devon, which Lyra favoured. "This is incredible, I've never seen anything quite like it!"
The twins high fived, their raspy voices yeaaaaahh'ing at her exalt. "Knew you'd like it, Lovegood" George perched on the kitchen counter, as Fred flopped into the cushioned loveseat.

"Guys, what about sleeping arrangements?" Ginny folded her arms, stood by her trunk. "Don't threat little sis, we have it all under control!" Fred started.
"Spare two double matresses can go on the floor, theres plenty of room. Ron and Harry you can sleep on one, Ginny and Mione you can go on the other." George finished Fred's sentence. "Where does that leave me?" Lyra debriefed.

"I suppose you could sleep in my bed, we didn't think this through did we? I'll sleep on the sofa." Fred pulled Lyra's case into his room, it was dimly lit and the bed sat centrally against the windows.
"I could sleep on the sofa if you want Fred, I don't mind" Lyra perched on the end of the king sized bed, "Your alot taller than me, you need more space." Fred knelt down, looking into Lyra's crystal blue glossy eyes with his hazel gaze. "My mother would murder me, and I don't mind, please?"
She smirked, flinging back onto the springy bed, her long locks spread around her.

"EVERYONE, LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT!" Ron's booming voice echoed, rushing in with concern, the group where pissed to realise Ron wasn't in mortal danger, he held out three bottles of alcohol grinning ear to ear. Lyra placed a hand on her head, Hermione's hands dropped to her side's as her chest rose and fell less visibly rapidly.

The room was dimly lit, it was around ten o'clock. Lyra and Ginny had prepared some noodles for the lot, as they perched on and around the high stools against the tabletop. Ron had earlier purchased some firewhisky from the local shop, they placed glasses onto the low antique table, sat infront of the fire and surrounded by the sofas and loveseat. Fred, George and Ron took the three seater, Ginny and Harry on the love seat whilst Hermione and Lyra perched on the two seater sofa.
They each grabbed a glass, the liquid glucking as it cascaded into the cups. The fire glazed Lyra's face, as she was sat the closest.

The tangerine lit room engendered ebullient vibes, the moon peeked behind an opposing dull shop visible through the tarnished window, and stars dispersed, illustrating the canvas of dark blue nightsky. Everyone was in their nightwear, Lyra fashioning a minty cropped square neck, and some exuberant chequed white and soft brown bottoms.

The group became more and more tipsy, this was evident because Hermione had loosened up. "Have you ever played twister?" Harry's voice raised above the other mutters, the rest looked in confusion, bar Hermione, whose face brightened.
"Brilliant, I'm assuming from your silence, we shall play!" Lyra and all the Weasley's raised their eyebrows, shrugging and agreeing to play.

Harry spellbindingly hauled out a boxed game from his luggage. He rolled it out, displaying the circles of colours. "I'll be the adjudicator, boys verus girls. Take it in turns and go one against one, whoever falls first gains a point forntheir team, once everyone has gone you count up the points. Best out of three."

The girls gathered around the two seater chair, whilst the Weasley brothers sat on the three seater, Harry on the loveseat with the spinner in hand. The low table had been pushed aside, unclogging the space for the sheet. "Ginny and George, take to the floor." Harry was engrossed by his role, taking it exceedingly earnestly, "Okay? Left foot red" Ginny stepped on the red, hands on her hips. "George that's your right foot. Right hand yellow."
The game continued, George stretched over Ginny, whom had the advantage of being portable in size.

The pair braided, poking and stomping on eachother intentionally, in the hope one would fall and end the strain. George managed to topple Ginny over, as he and his brothers celebrated euphorically.
Hermione and Ron where up next, "I'll go easy on you" Ron consoled, by the look on Hermione's face, it seemed Ronald wasn't the one to be nervy of. Ron had managed to make the combination as strenuous as possible for himself, going bright red in his face. "Bout to burst Ron Ron?" Harry mocked, as the twins booed at him for letting them down. After staying persistent, he finally slumped.

More and more alcohol was being intoxicated into the groups bloodstreams, their sentences disoriented progressively. "Lyra and Fred next, this is the tie breaker!" Harry enounced like Lee Jordan at quidditch matches. Lyra rolled up her sleeves, pinning her voluminous curls into a messy low bun.
"Your finished Lovegood."
"Last name basis? Bring it on Weasley."

"Right hand green."
Fred slapped his hand on the green, Lyra's was placed on the circle next to his.
"Left foot blue" Lyra took the nearest circle, Fred swang his leg over Lyra's back, placing his foot on blue over her, trapping her body with his leg.

"Right hand yellow" Lyra turned herself around from under Fred, now facing belly up and resting her right hand on yellow, aiming to knock Fred's leg off her. But instead, he outstretched his right hand to the right side of her neck, facing down face to face with her. "Your trapping me!" Lyra testified.

"I'm just playing the game, something bothering you?" His voice deepened as he spoke the last part.
Lyra smiled sarcastically. "Right leg red!" Harry continuted. As Lyra stomped on the nearest red, it left Fred with no alternative other than the bottom right red. He longated his leg, but his lanky foot slipped, collapsing ontop of Lyra.

"Owww!" She cackled choppily, as Fred propped himself up with his arms, either side of Lyra's head.
"Fred fell first, the girls win!" The girls cheered, as Ron and George slumped back onto the chair in defeat. Lyra placed her hands over her face and rolled out from under Fred. "I think you've shattered me Fred, ouch!" She sat on the floor, stretching her arms out to touch her knees. Lyra's hair was now crazy, her low bun now half up and the hair at the front appealed as ecstatic.

Fred smirked, standing up and towering above her. He arched his neck down at her, his hazel eyes searched hers. "I like being ontop of you" He titillated, brushing his lips against her earlobe.

Her eyes darted from each of his eyes, registering his words. But before she could question it, he nudged her shoulder as he walked towards his brothers. As the night progressed, one by one the group fell asleep on eachothers shoulders. Lyra, George and Fred where the only three remaining awake and slightly more sober than the rest. Lyra sat with Hermione and Ginny's heads on her lap, whilst Ron and Harry had tucked into the matress on the floor. Lyra was scribbling in her notebook, resting it on top of Hermione's bushy hair. She snapped it shut, storing the pencil behind her ear.

"Im off to bed" She announced, placing a pillow behind each girl's head. "Are you sure you're okay with me having your bed? I don't mind sleeping in here" Her honey voice trickled from her lips.
"Ly I told you I don't mind, please."
She nodded gracefully, thanking the twins for allowing her to stay. As she closed the door behind her, the twins made sure nobody else was awake.

"She's changed don't ya think?" Fred started, propping his head up with his fist. "I suppose, how do you mean? She's still Lyra" George's eyebrow furrowed. "She's always been intruging and exceptionally unique, but I can't help but notice how much different she looks than last time" George blinked with confusion, "She's really pretty isn't she?" Fred tilted his head sideways, itching his chin. "She always has been, everyone knows that. Mate are you feeling ok?" Fred playfully hit his brother. "Yeah! Yeah, of course but... I've never found anyone so stunning, as if I've randomly acknowledged really how attractive she is. She's just different, not to mention she's funny, smart, flir-" George sat up rapidly, wideying his brother.

"You like her?" He slapped his mouth, as Fred trembled on his words. "No! I'm just saying, she's... you know, brilliant? We are lucky that she's fond of us." They agreed. George slapped his knees, signalling he was off. George set off for his room and snickered once his back turned on his brother, who was fixated on the decaying fire.

ᴄᴏʀᴅᴜʀᴏʏ (fred weasley)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon