Chapter 16

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I recognize that deep voice, that voice, that's Ethan! I would prefer to run as fast as possible and never come back, but instead I reach into my pencil case, looking for a pen. Slowly but nervously, I turn around and gently hand him the pen. When Ethan sees me hand him the pen, he seems just as surprised as I am. Ethan takes the pen and I quickly turn back. Afraid that I will be distracted again by the lion on his hand. "Well Ethan, you are lucky." The teacher jokes. I hear Ethan chuckle but I ignore it and quickly get back to where I left off. My neat handwriting is nowhere to be seen and I am fed up with it. I can still feel my heart beating under my chest. Surely this cannot be true. I am still amazed and shocked by this situation when I suddenly feel a warm breath in my neck that makes me shiver. I immediately regret putting my hair in a high ponytail this morning.
"Thanks for the pen Esmee." Ethan whispers in my ear. This really is not possible. I feel a little rush between my legs. 'You're welcome.' I whisper back, not knowing if he heard. I press my legs together hard to suppress the feeling in between. If Ethan don't talk to me during this lesson, it should be doable.

Thank God the lecture is going faster than I expected and I finished all assignments on time. When the teacher says we can leave the room, I fold my lecture notebook, throw my pencil case in my bag and quickly walk out of the room. I'd love to have a conversation with Ethan, but it's better not. I want to be able to fully focus on school and I cannot use distraction. He will never find out what he's doing to me inside. While nothing has actually happened between us yet. Well, I did see him topless in the bathroom. I quickly get that thought out of my head, because when I think about Ethan with a bare torso any longer, I just step into a toilet cubicle to god knows what to do with myself. Okay Esmee, this is really not possible. In addition, I am not totally Ethan's type, and he is just polite without intent and does not want anything from me. I often fantasize in my head that it is, but the reality is completely the opposite. I let him influence almost my entire day and I don't want that, that's not the intention. I decide to go find Abby. Maybe she can make my thoughts about Ethan forget forever. I walk around the corner towards the canteen. I glance into the cafeteria but don't see her sitting at the table. At that moment I feel a hand on my shoulder. I hope from the bottom of my heart that it is Abby, or a teacher if need be, but the tingling in my shoulder makes me know who it is.

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