Part I

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"You and New could come over around 6?" the older male looked towards the younger one, asking if the time was correct. Gun nodded and motioned for Off to help him with the decorations. "Yes." Off sighed. "Oh for God's sake Tawan. Just bring a bottle of rosé or champagne. You don't need to worry about the damn gifts." The frustration was evident in his voice. Ending the call, he proceeded to make his way towards his husband.

"P'Tay was worrying about the gifts again?" Gun asked. Off responded with a muffled hum as he buried his head on his shoulder, while holding him in his arms. He nuzzled his nose into Gun's neck.

It's been 5 years. Five gorgeous, amazing years, since he'd married Gun. The day they had exchanged their vows, he could finally show the world his little devil. Gun on the other hand couldn't agree with that since, whenever anyone got a tad bit too close to him, Off was ready with a machete. Even before they got married, and even if said person was his very own cousin. Whenever they attended an event, the older was always bragging about his lover and showing him off to his companions.

Not that Gun minded it. He had always been someone who likes attention. Be it at a company fundraiser or his very own wedding; to the point where he had warned his friends Tay and New not to propose on his big day, else he'd have then removed from his and his lover's life. Fortunately for the yet to be married couple, neither of them had plans to marry each other till the next year. Unfortunately, New had given Tay the ring at Arm and Alice's wedding. Thus, resulting in the married couple being furious. Thank heavens, Gun was there to cool Alice down with some imported wine he had brought as their wedding gift.

"Did you call P'Arm and P'Alice? I told them to arrive at 5 since I'm probably sure that they'll be an hour or so late. As usual," Gun continued. With his lover's head buried in his neck, he continued decorating their Christmas tree. It was quite a sight to behold, since he had taken more than a few hours to set the decorations. Their friend group hosted different holidays at their respective homes. Tay and New were in charge of Loy Krathong and Halloween this year, Arm and Alice, Songkran, and so on. Every year they competed on which festival was celebrated the best and who hosted it. And Gun was quite the competitive thing. Off was dumbstruck to say the least when he came home from work to see the house decorated in such a lavish manner. But he made sure that his zealous husband wouldn't go overboard with his festivities.

"Love, did you order the frosting and embellishments for dessert?" Gun asked as he nudged Off with his shoulder. Yet to receive an answer, he looked at Off, tilting his head to the side. His left hand made its way to caress his hair. His cafuné was interrupted when Off suddenly opened his eyes. He retracted his arms from the former and pulled himself upright, as if there was an invisible force that compelled him to stay in his lover's arms.

Gun looked at him, evidently curious. His eyes followed him as he walked towards the dining table. He couldn't make out what Off was doing since his back was facing him. He went on with his tree, decorating it with candy canes and Christmas balls to his heart's content. Just as he was about to hang a white angel, music filled the spacious dimly-lit room. The alluring sound of the saxophone reached his ears as he chuckled, recognizing his husband's song of choice. His body swayed as if he had no control over it. He felt the taller male's arms snaking around his waist. Eyes closed, lips curled, he rested the back of his head on his lover's shoulder. They both moved in sync with the jazz.

And they were back to their college days; dancing in the dark, scarcely moon-lit room. The music impelled them to move around the room, in each other's arms, aimlessly. The sound of unsolicited contagious laughter and muttered apologies filled the room as they stepped on the other's toes. Contended gazes, wandering hands and the widest of grins occupying their faces, almost lit up the cramped space. Off's hands were on Gun's waist and the latter's snaked around Off's neck. Nonsensical hums and 'I love you's were heard, as if nothing else mattered. Nothing but them, right there, with each other. They were drunk; drunk on love. It was almost too much for the people around. But everyone knew. They knew that after years of suffering, solitude and heartache they deserved one good thing; they deserved each other.

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