Chapter 8 - Escape

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Sombra stepped on a changings wing. He had put one of the crystals on it and it seemed to have done the trick. He looked to the skies and saw they were leaving. He smirked and picked the changeling up with magic, only to see the children running at him, tears in there eyes. 

"Sombra!" They yelled and ran up to him crying. 

"Children, what happened. Where's (y/n)?" He asked. they looked at him as their tears fell to the ground. 

"They took her!" They yelled. Sombra's heart dropped.  

"T-They...They took..." He started before he looked at the cave. His eyes held fear. He looked around, seeing Shield. 

"Shield!" He yelled and the stallion ran over. 

"Take then children. Tell Pepper to keep the safe. Your in charge while I'm gone." He said. Shield gave a nod and watched as his king ran to the barrier.  

"Please work." Sombra said, moving the changeling in front of him and didn't stop running. He closed his eyes as he got close, but didn't feel anything before before he felt cold. His eyes opened and you looked, seeing snow. He looked back at his empire before he gave a nod and continued to run, dropping the changeling into a cave he knew as close by before he opened a portal. (y/n) had talked often of when she was from so making a portal wasn't difficult.  Once through, he stopped, breathing hard. 

"That's close, but you have to be quiet." He heard and slowly walked. He saw a purple pony training a yellow pony. The Purple pony was just like (y/n) described, that had to be Twilight. 

"This is hard! Can't I go back with Fluttershy?" Yellow said. Twilight was silent before she gave a nod. Yellow then ran off. Twilight sighed. 

"(y/n), you were our hope. Why haven't you returned. D-Don't tell me..." She said and Sombra saw tears. He took a step foreword. 

"If you wish to save her, you have to listen to me." He said. Twilight looked, her eyes grew in fear before they hardened and she glared at him. 

"Sombra." She said. 

"Please, (y/n)..." He started but Twilight hit him with a blast of magic, making him hit a tree. He then felt rope go around him. 

"So, you brought the fight to me huh?" She said and walked up. He was struggling. 

"No! I came to get your help!" He yelled. 

"Ha! Like I would believe you." She said and stepped on his back hoof with force. He grunted in pain. 

"P-Please. (y/n) talked highly of you." He said. He saw the look in her eyes soften. 

"(y/n). I knew it. She did fail." She said. Sombra shook his head. 

"N-No. She found out the truth." He said. Twilight looked at him before he saw her horn glow a dark red. 

"If you know of her, then she is dead." Twilight said. Sombra's eyes got wide before he growled and closed his eyes.

"If you don't help me, then she will be worse then dead!" He yelled, waiting for her spell to hit him but it didn't. He opened his eyes, still seeing the red in her horn. 

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"S-She was taken by the changelings. If we don't get her back, they will feed on her." He said. Twilights horn stopped glowing and she backed up. Sombra felt the ropes around him disappear. He stood.  

"I thought they were defeated." She said. He shook his head. 

"I would love to give you a history lesson but right now we have to get her back." Sombra said and turned but Twilight had moved and got in front of him. 

"No. You tell me now." She said. Sombra gave her a glare. 

"Fine. A changeling is a insect like pony that feeds off love. Once the ones they are feeding off have no more love, the queen, Queen Chrysalis will use a spell and turn that pony into one of them. That why they can change into any pony and that's why their numbers never seem to lessen." He said. Twilight was silent. Sombra then moved to her and starred at her right in the eyes. 

"And right now, as we waste time, They have the pony I love." He said.      

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