Chapter 2

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I dragged Ryan into the school and found my janitors closet. I always use the same one as a base as its hidden behind the music department.

I pulled him in and threw my bag in the corner, tossing his beside mine and closing the door on us both.

Ryan started to talk but I 'ssshh'ed him and looked through the two bags for the two flash lights. Handing him his I lit up mine and dug through his bag. They had very little amounts of food and no water.

Shit. That many locating out own. Damn.

I found the list and looked over it.

A Football trophy
Thirty whiteboard pens
A costume
42 cents (in one cent coins)
Five cellphones/calculators
A wig
A guitar
A laptop
A book on horror
A ring
A photograph
A bone
A bowl
A door knob
A mirror
Make up
A paperweight
A brush
A towel
A cigarette

Most wouldn't be too difficult, I handed the list to Ryan, who nodded in understanding,

"Okay, here's the plan. Most of these objects are too big to lug about until Sunday. I know where the key is to this closet, so we can lock anything we can in here. Trust me; people will attack you and steal your pack, so don't let it go. Most of these will be easy to get. The hardest being the first. They key is to ignore people, it's hard to do that when smashing the glass trophy case." I explained to Ryan. He seemed to get it so I stood up, pulling him with me,

"You're lucky you showed up late." I said to him, smiling like an idiot. Cautiously, I opened the door, no one. I nipped out towards the music teachers desk and stole the keys, pocketing them.

Next I approached the guitars,

"Take you're pick, Ry." I said, gesturing to the guitars. Carefully, as though they were more fragile than glass, he ran his finger across each, before selecting a dark sunbeam one. I nodded and we went back to the cupboard.

He gently set it inside and we grabbed our packs, locking the closet behind us.

We walked along, making hardly any noise on the linoleum floors. We chose a science classroom and lifted about 3 markers, taking too many would signal our presence. I looked through the drawers and also found a calculator.

Slipping the items into our bags we left. I led Ryan round the school, picking up markers as we approached the library.

A crash sounded around a corner.

I pulled Ryan back into a classroom, pressing him against the wall by the door as a pair ran past.

Close. Too close.

I dragged Ryan back to our closet, using doors between classrooms and avoiding corridors. Collecting more markers.

We made it back to our closet without an encounter. Ryan probably thought I was too cautious. Soon he would see I wasn't. We set our stuff into the cupboard and I locked it again.

I led Ryan over to the teachers desk and sat behind it, looking out the window. It was probably around midnight now.

Ryan was leaning against me and we were just peacefully sitting there when we heard a fight going on in the distance.

Someone screamed and something broke and all too soon someone slipped into the classroom me and Ryan were in.


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