Chapter 9

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I spend the next week at school faking true happiness as I get praised in the corridor. And issues I had with people during the competition are forgotten as I'm treated like a fucking king.

I even had someone buy me lunch one day, just because I won.

I would say it all feels worth it, but I can't get over Ryan.

His soft doe eyes haunt my sleep, and I hear his words in everything people say.

I knew him three days and look at the mess I'm in. What the hell is WRONG WITH ME?!

I leave school as these thoughts hit me, and I make it to my room.
I don't care about skipping.


"HE RUINED ME. THAT BASTARD." I scream as I throw my bookcase to the floor, smashing the wood and crushing the CDs inside. I don't care.

"FUCK YOU YOU USELESS MOTHERFUCKER. YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME." I said, slowing down as my breaths got heavier and the back of my nose began to tickle.

"You never cared. No one did..." Tears begin to drip down my ace and I wipe them away with diminishing anger.

"I loved you... But you couldn't love me back." I whisper into the silence.

At this point, I collapse on my bed, amounts the wreck and ruin that is my bedroom.

I sleep for about 20 hours on and off. I ignore my mothers protests and only leave on Friday night.

I wait tables at a restaurant, and I work Friday nights and Sunday afternoons.

At six I get to the restaurant, dressed all in black.

I grab an apron, pad and pen. I take a few orders and deliver them to the kitchen. I take plates to tables and zone out, barely paying attention to what I'm doing.

Approaching a single man at a table I list of the usual mantra.

"Hello. I will be your server this evening. My name is Brendon. Can I start you with a drink?" The man however, startled at this and looks up. Shit.

"Brendon? Oh my God I found you." It's Ryan. What is he talking about. What the fuck does he want from me?!

"Just leave, Ryan. I understand. Just go."

"No Brendon listen! Shit! Please, listen." He begs.

"I'm working, Ryan. I can't talk to you. I don't want to talk to you." I state, monotone taking over my usually colourful voice.

"I'll wait. Please just, I need to talk to you. I've been looking for you. Please just, let me talk to you." He begs, practically falling to his knees from the table.

"My shift ends at ten. You'll have ten minutes Ryan." I spit at him and continue my shift.

At ten he's, surprisingly, still sitting at his table. I sure turn my apron and note pad, and walk to sit with him.

"Well?" I say.

"Let me explain. I really, really like you, Brendon. More than I really should. I forgot about Jac completely in those few days, and I fell for you too. I did." He replied, looking into my eyes as I glared back at him. Lying motherfucker.

"So I ended it with her. We're over Brendon, and I still like you. A lot. And I know you hate me, but I would kill for a second chance. Didn't we work so well in the school? Weren't we great?" He begged, I stared, part in shock, part in disbelief.

"As soon as we broke up, I went to your school. But you weren't there, and hadn't been very much. I started to panic, and I asked around but no one knew where you were. I got so upset Brendon. And I gave up. You hate me, I get that. But I really want this to work. I fell for you too. Please. Brendon, please, give me a chance." A glint of tears were in his eye as he begged, I stood up and walked out. I left the restaurant just like that.

Hearing Ryan scrambling up from the table and chasing me out the door, I stepped to the side.

"Brend-" he didn't finish his word as I pressed him against the side wall of the restaurant and pushed my lips to his.

All the anger and frustration melted away in his kiss as our mouths worked together.

"This is your chance." I said, "this time, there's no handcuffs, no competition, no locked doors.

"Just us." We finish together.

"One chance." I smile,

"Maybe two..." He jokes. Shoving his shoulder, he flips us around and pushes me against the wall.

"I'm falling for you, Brendon Urie." He mutters into my ear, pressing his lips to mine.

Sweeter words have never been spoken.

The end.

Authors note:

So that's a wrap guys. Thank you all for reading this. I'm so sorry for the scattered updates and the long waits between updates, but it's done. Thank you all for reading, I love you very much, and I will see you in my next escapade.

"Dreamers need to stick together" is my next fic, co written for a change. Personally it's my favourite thing I've written and I hope you like it too. Peace out guys :)

~ Ryan xox

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