Chapter 11 : Star and Tiger

Start from the beginning

But he wished he could have someone like that.

Suddenly, a delicious scent caught Hoshiko's appetite. She stuck up her nose and sniffed, her dark brown eyes sparkled and a grin formed. "Hey, follow me for a while." She told him and walked to a different direction. The two continued to walk, Taketora was sort of confused and worried about what Hoshiko was doing. Since it was taking so much time, he decided to do something on his cellphone.

Date: 6/XX 18:10
From: Yamamoto Taketora
Subject: I DID IT!!
Ryu!! A girl talked to me and I did normally!! Now she wants me to walk home with her!!

He was waiting for a response before bumping into somebody. "I-it's..." Taketora leaned forward to see what she was mesmerizing. "TAKOYAKIIII!!!"

Hoshiko's eyes glimmered as the old man selling the takoyaki prepared some for another person. "Yamamoto-kun, do you want some?" She asked excitedly, he only blushed and didn't respond. "Okay, I'll buy for the two of us!" The old man noticed the two and prepared the takoyaki. "Here you go, it'll be 600 yen." Hoshiko grinned and gave her money.

She took a toothpick with the takoyaki and handed it to the mohawk. Taketora was hesitant but Hoshiko shoved it into his hand. "My treat!" She smiled as his cheeks became warm.

The two started to eat and Hoshiko talked about her teammates and other topics. "I can't believe that Akabane wouldn't watch a single horror movie because of Sadako." She complained, as Taketora only listened. This was the first time that a girl wanted to be close with him with no hesitation.

"I think you're a good ace, your serves and spikes are really powerful." Taketora felt his heart fluttered and stared at Hoshiko. Did she just complimented him? Yes, yes she did. "I-I...I think y-you're a pretty--pretty good a-ace too!" He almost slipped on his words. She looked into his eyes and smirked. "Don't go too soft on me! I saw you with your teammates!" She nudged his elbow that made blush all shades of pink.


"Akabane, I wanted to see the team!" 

A blonde called out to her redheaded friend. "Hoshi, I'm too tired.." Her friend whined but she didn't heard it and dragged her into the gym. By the time they arrived, they went to the wrong gym.

"Woah, that was an A pass!" A voice shouted, Hoshiko looked at the person, it was mohawk with a smaller long haired boy and a taller one than the two. "A pass is a nice pass...fufufuf.." The taller one giggled making the two beside him flinched.

Emika was panting and peaked inside the gym but resulted her to squeaked. "Sadako!!" She screamed and catching the attention of the other first years in the gym. "A-ah...girls!" The mohawk said sheepishly. Hoshiko tilted her head slightly.

"Is this gymnasium 1?" She asked bluntly to the trio, the taller one shook his head. "This is gymnasium 2. Number 1 is near here." A buzz cut second year smiled warmly.

"Ah, thank you, senpai!" Hoshiko thanked the kind second year say goodbye to the trio. "I'm Amemori Hoshiko and this is Akabane Emiko, hope we get to see each other soon!" She disappeared.

The trio watched the duo disappeared and went back to watch the second years and third years play. "Those girls were so beautiful!" The mohawk squealed and fanboy, earning weird looks by his first years teammates. "You agree?" He squeaked, the long haired shrugged. "You agree, right, Fukunaga?" He asked his taller friend but he didn't answer. "You should talk more."


"When we first met, you were so shy...haha." She laughed it off. Taketora turned red of embarrassment from remembering that time. Hoshiko didn't minded he was being shy and flustered around her, that made him think she was different.

The two kept walking home, the early summer wind blew and Hoshiko felt a bit chilly. "Are you cold?" Taketora asked sheepishly, she shook her head and rubbed her hand. "Just a little wind, that's all." He was feeling a little worried and watched the girl rubbed her arm even more. "W-want to take my blazer?" She turned red and shook her head trying to hide her flustered face. 'Wait, did I said it out loud?!' 

"Woo, it's getting late and chillier..." She mentioned out loud. Taketora was worried, and took off his blazer. "Y-Yamamoto-kun?!" She squeaked when she felt another layer of clothing. Hoshiko glanced at him and saw him red.


They arrived at an intersection and they need to part ways. "Yamamoto-kun..." Hoshiko mumbled. "Tora...just c-call me Tora." He squeaked out, she looked at him smiling and handed him his blazer. "Tora, thanks for the blazer. Here. And you can call me Hoshi." She exclaimed.

His cheeks turned pink and nodded. "Yes...I h-hope y-you're not cold, H-Hoshi!" She giggled and waved at him.


Date: 6/XX 20:57
From: Ryuunosuke Tanaka
Subject: Re: I DID IT!!!
GREAT JOB!! You have done the magnificent deed, my brother!! I'm going to inform Yu about your achievement!

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