"Okay," I got up, and dipped down to kiss her cheek, "I'm going to bother Laine and the guys."

I left my mother to do whatever it is she had planned for the day and drove over to the Russels. I was greeted by a chorus of voices and laughter from down one of the halls. The den was packed with my friends. Joe and Heather were occupying one of the loveseats. Keegan and Cam were playing pool with Luke and Shane. Then there was my girl. She was curled up in one of the oversized reading chairs. Her dark hair was piled in of those crazy buns with a pen sticking out of it. Forgotten evidence that she was likely dragged away from her homework to entertain the masses.

"Hey, Lainey," I whispered before kissing her. She pulled away for a second to greet me then squirmed to sit on the arm rest. Settling on to the cushion, I hooked my finger in her belt loop and pulled her onto my lap.

"You're just in time Finn. We were discussing the lodging situation for the state game." There was a wicked glint accompanying the sly smile curling onto Heather's otherwise innocent face. "Laine says Coach pulled her aside to let her know her options for next weekend."

"That's what you two were talking about," I asked her.

"Apparently, I'll be rooming with girls from the cheer squad who might have room."

"Or," Heather mused, the corner of her mouth tugging higher than I thought was humanly possible.

"She can get her own room, but it'll be out of her own pocket," Luke mumbled as he lined up a shot.

"Which I've offered to cover," Shane added. "Little Lester shouldn't have to deal with jealous drama queens. Not when she needs to be well rested and ready to play in the morning."

"Day drinking again, Shane," Blaine sighed. She slouched and rested her head on my shoulder. "There is no way in hell Coach is going to put me in during the State Championship game."

"Maybe not Gilly, but Corey seems to like you enough to fight for you," Keegan joined the conversation now. His eyes drifted to us as he crouched beside the table. Pretending to determine his next move, he winked. "Besides, the old man is going to need a break to catch his breath at some point."

"Old man, huh," Shane chuckled. "Weren't you held back a year?"

"I did two years of preschool." Keegan shrugged before lining his pool cue up with the ball. "It's perfectly normal."

"Not that I don't want to hear you two bickering, but can we revisit this topic," Joe groaned. "I want to hear what little Lester plans on doing next weekend."

If the two of them weren't campaigning as Presidential and Vice Presidential in ten years, I'd be disappointed. Heather would be looking for a seat in the oval room. Joe would be happy making plans for world domination with her. He'd probably even take the fall if it backfired. It was pretty twisted. Especially since I was slowly siding with the lineman. I wanted to know what the girl on my lap was going to do.

"I don't think it's any of your concern, Joseph," she sighed, snuggling closer. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, trapping her in place.

"Is it any of my concern," I whispered into her hair.

"Of course, but I'm not sure an audience is required."

"Want to go for a ride then?"

"I guess so." The corner of her mouth ticked up before she slid off my lap and waited for me to follow her lead. We passed by our friends, each of them giving us their usual expressions. Joe and Shane were always amused when Blaine and I left together. Luke tried hard not to hide the disapproving glare that had followed us for weeks after we told him. Cam and Keegan were still floating on cloud nine so they hardly noticed.

"Where are we going," she asked. We hadn't made it out of the subdivision before she was giving me her own skeptical look.

"Not sure yet."

"Who are you talking to, Finn? Somethings going on, and I'd like to know what. Preferably before we need bail money."

"You aren't going to need bail money." I laced my fingers with hers, my thumb stroking the top of her hand. "Mom said you're officially invited to James' Thanksgiving festivities."

"Am I supposed to be honored, or terrified?"

"Both," I admitted, stealing a glance at her. "Dad's not coming, and Mom seems to think you'll be a pleasant distraction."

"Was there anything else decided during this discussion?"

"That I'd stay clear of the office and not make a scene."

"Then why do I feel like we're doing exactly what your mother told you not to do?"

I shifted the car into park and stared at one of the few buildings in the area that could be considered a sky rise. Smooth bricks and large windows made the building stick out. The modern shell my father insisted on having when the face was remodeled. Everything surrounding the building was practically original. Awnings over the windows and doors. Thick trim and crown molding decorating them.

"We aren't going in," I answered with a shrug.


"I promised my mom that I wouldn't. She doesn't need any more shit on her plate. She's right anyways. If he wants to make a joke out of their relationship, that's between them. I don't have a reason to get involved."

"You haven't gotten to talk to him at all?"

"Nope." My head fell back against the seatback. "He's managed to stay very busy. Plenty of meetings and late nights."

"Maybe we should go in."

"Can't do it."

"You need to tell him what;s been going on." She shook her head, and clapped a hand over her mouth. Her fingers peeled back to reveal a smile, "Deja vu."

"When am I supposed to do this big purge?"

"Call him. Make an appointment if you have to. Get his attention." I shifted to face her, as she did the same. "I could always go in, and express my concerns about you. Let him know that you've gotten a little more aggressive about the small things."

"Yeah. No. I'm not sending you in there like some spy or something."

"Knowing your father, I'd be a sacrificial lamb."

"That sounds worse." She leaned closer, her forehead resting against mine. The golden flakes in the pool of green made me smile. "I don't want to sacrifice any more good things. Not for him."

"As long as you are doing things that make you happy, Finnagen James."

"Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours," I teased, my hand cupping her cheek. "Now, about this whole hotel situation next weekend. Have you made your decision?"

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