Heal || Sicheng/Yangyang

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Plot: After months, we all wonder what became Sicheng and Gayeon, and Yangyang and Eunji. Will past traumas be able to heal?...

Words: 3,9k

THIS IS NOT A THREESOME, only two separates stories.

Requested by: Min Dy, @clairahs and @btsarmiespower

This is the final chapter of the 'I Need You' and 'Over it' kind of series.

This is part 3, the sequel, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it, it took me all afternoon, but I'm actually proud of this story.

Not that smutty, more angsty


Narrator's P.O.V

Here we are, four months later.

When you look at the two couples, you could say: "finally, each one of them is happy".

Apparences are often deceptive.

Eunji just got home from work.

Tonight, she'll go out to meet Yangyang, her actual boyfriend.

They're going to have a drink at the bar the two of them first met.

She likes him, how could she not? Yangyang gives her everything she wants, gifts, love, affection and great times in bed.

Remember when she first met him? That was a good time, they both had the time of their lives having sex together, and for Eunji, it was an escape to her sadness.

Since then, they have been dating. You may think it's too early, especially since Eunji just broke up with her fiancé but that's what she needs, fresh air, a new man, a new place.

She needs everything new in her life and that's what she has, but then, why would she want to stalk Sicheng on the social medias?

If she's got everything she wants, why wanting Sicheng to come back?

I'm just asking, because the first thing Eunji does after removing her shoes, is going straight to her computer to stalk her ex's Instagram profile.

I know, it's pathetic.

But please don't judge her too soon, who wouldn't want to know what their exes have been doing lately?

People who are over the break up.

That's right, only people who are still suffering want to know about the past, that's Eunji's case.

She's been questioning herself lately, she's got the sweetest man on earth, yet she still wonder how her life would be if Sicheng didn't break up with her.

She thinks that Sicheng made a mistake and that he's regretting now, but she pushes those thoughts aside, she's so considerate for her current boyfriend.

A little stalking can't hurt anybody, right?


On the other hand, we have Sicheng, peacefully at Gayeon's house, watching TV with the woman he loves.

He's far from thinking he made a mistake, actually, he's the happiest he's never been right now.

Sicheng has strong emotions, for Gayeon.

Nobody else can distract him from Gayeon's dark eyes.

She's the only one he loves, until the next woman he'll find to cheat on Gayeon.

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