Grand Prix || Jaehyun

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Plot: for Arlyn and Jaehyun, being a racer is not only about winning the first prize, there is something else they both want...

Words: 5,6k

Requested by: @hwaaseong @denisse1118 I hope you'll enjoy it!

There's a really small part mentioning anal, but that's really not the topic of this whole smut.
If you're not comfortable with that, close your eyes for a second and it will be gone!


"Aren't you nervous?" Mark, my manager asks me,

"Of course I am, but I can't show it to anyone" I tie my shoes before heading out of my hotel room.

It's my first Grand Prix, here in Bahreïn.

Actually, it's not my first, but it's the first time I come here confident, determined to win.

Since last year, I've been training every day in hope to be the greatest racer of this world.

I wasn't far last year, I was third, second was Jung Jaehyun, my greatest rival.

The one who got first place ended his career so I think the competition is essentially between me and Jung Jaehyun.

Every media are talking about us two, as we are the two favorite for this year's Grand Prix.

I go to the racetrack, the sun is so hot, too bad I can't tan with this racing suit.

From afar, on another track, I see Jaehyun, talking to someone hidden by a pole.

I stare at him as he puts his helmet on and I can't see his eyes anymore, but I see his head turning toward me, stopping for a few seconds before he finally enters the cockpit.

Well, he's a sexy man, I never denied it.

We got to talk to each other for the first time last year, at the Grand Prix, and I got to see him in casual clothes, his hair styled for the gala held after the race.

We didn't discuss for a very long time, as I was constantly bothered by my ex boyfriend, who accompanied me at that time.

I congratulated him for the second place, and we discussed a bit about our life, and I clearly remember him checking me out shamelessly.

How do I remember?

I really enjoyed it, his gaze was piercing and sexy at the same time. It was the first time that I properly met him but the tension between us was already unbelievably high.

I got caught up by reality when my ex boyfriend came to cut us off in the middle of an interesting conversation. I politely excused myself and left.

Since then, we haven't talked to each other.

I'm sure he knows about my breakup, as it was on the cover of every magazines.

I'm happy to be single right now, I may have another chance to talk to this gorgeous man.


After practice, around 11am, I change at the hotel and head to the restaurant to have lunch, alone.

I didn't ask for Mark to come with me, and there are a few reasons why.

He needs to rest, I need to be alone, and I also need to see if I can meet Jaehyun.

I enjoy my meal alone, looking out the big windows of the restaurant that provide a good view of the sunny outside, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Jung Jaehyun, the one and only, looking handsome, as always,

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