#4: Karasuno High (2)

Start from the beginning

Yachi feeling wary about Y/n getting excited at the gym, it is the gym after all, there are a lot of people inside. Yachi isn't that social to have a face and come in the gym.

“I-I think? But why would you ask that L/n-san?” Yachi carefully asked.

Y/n blinked and looked at the entrance of the gym, “It's.. been so long since I found myself standing inside of a gym,” Y/n said looking fondly at the entrance, while a sad smile plastering her face.

What Y/n said was the truth, although her purpose in here in the first place was to see the characters, she also thought of seeing her loved place since she was a child, the gym.

Yachi, felt her heart moved just by seeing Y/n's face, suddenly she have the courage to do what she fear the most. She swallowed a lump in her throat and walked towards the door of the gym, determined to ask someone inside if they could sit in.

Y/n notice Yachi moved by her side, her eyes widen, “Yachi?” she asked curiously.

Yachi heard Y/n but she didn't turn around, she's too determine, and her beating heart was too loud for her especially in every step she take.

Y/n was about to go after her when they heard someone talked behind them.

“Excuse me,”

Y/n turned around and her wide eyes was wider before. Shoulder-length black hair that is tucked behind on the left side of her ear, while the rest hangs on the right side with a single small hair piece hanging in the middle, grey eyes with visible long eyelashes, a distinct mole located on the lower left side of her chin and wears square-rimmed glasses with pink rims and bridge.

It was Kiyoko Shimizu.

A-A goddess, she was really a goddess!

Y/n noticing that she's been staring for a while bowed, “Sorry for the disturbance!”

Kiyoko's eyes was filled with confused but when he saw Y/n's worried eyes she let our a smile, “What are you sorry about?”


Y/n couldn't help but got starstruck at how beautiful the Kiyoko Shimizu up close, they don't look 2D at all. They look so real and freaking gorgeous.

Yachi looked back and fourth at the two, slightly she felt her heart waiver at how Y/n looked at Kiyoko, she unconsciously got back beside Y/n and smiled at Kiyoko.

“Hello, senpai! We just wanted to see if we could drop inside of the gym? Maybe later or tommorow?” Yachi said, slightly surprised by herself when she notice she didn't even stutter at all. Still, Yachi kept her smile towards the older.

Kiyoko looked away from flustrated Y/n and looked at Yachi, her smile was gone for a second but came back later, she smiled warmly at the both of them, “I guess you could, but I don't recommend coming right now, we still have to deal with some of the new members of the club,” she calmly said.

Y/n was still starstruck but came back to life when she felt someone pulled her, it was Yachi. She was smiling fully to Kiyoko while clinging to her arm.

“Is that so! Then we should go, and come again next time! Bye senpai!” Yachi exclamed and was about to pull Y/n.

Y/n was startled and confused that everything is happening so fast. It looks like Yachi was in a rush or something. She was about to pull back and ask her when someone tugged her other hand making them stopped at their tracks. Yachi's brown eyes looked back and saw

Kiyoko gripping Y/n's wrist.

Kiyoko immediately let go and smiled again to the both of them, “We will have a small game this Saturday, the both of you could come,” Kiyoko said.

Y/n widen her eyes, this.. Saturday! Yes! she remembers having an episode in season 1 where Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka vs Dachi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi will have a game to determine if Hinata and Kageyama will be qualified to join their team.

The excitement was obviously present in Y/n's eyes, Kiyoko and Yachi can see through it. Kiyoko smiled fondly while Yachi bite her lips. She once again pulled Y/n closer to her, making Y/n out of her trance.

“W-We'll be there then!” Yachi said, this made Y/n agreed too, “Yes! We will be there Kiyoko-senpai,”

Kiyoko smiled again while nodding but she stopped her gaze towards Yachi.

Yachi felt the chills but didn't falter her fake smile that she've been doing since earlier when they talk to Kiyoko.

“We will now go on our own way, senpai,” Y/n said, Yachi also did her farewell but did it in a quickest way possible.

“I'll see you two in Saturday then,”

Kiyoko said and wave after, while the back of Y/n and Yachi was disappearing in her sight.

She also made her way to the gym, while thoughts was circling on her mind.

Y/n was the cutest thing she saw today... and she found Yachi to be a big hindrance.

She wonder if she could make her.. go away?



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