#7: Butterfly Effect

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The butterfly effect only takes place when the character who knows what will happen in the future made some small changes in the present timeline. Back in your world, there is no such thing as the butterfly effect because no one knows what the future holds therefore butterfly effect is only considered a theory.

Other than that, you've known the butterfly effect because of novels, stories, and movies where the main character knows what will happen later on in the future that is why every little thing they do in the present will ultimately change what the end they know.

This always leads to either a happy end or worst, a tragic end.

The latter one was the most common.

Before, you don't believe in such things as the butterfly effect because if you, in the other world, know what will happen to your future, you will surely do your best to secure it, even if it takes you to change a lot of things, big or small.

Now that you're in the manga that you loved, knowing what the future holds really did you a burden. Although you promised not to change the flow of the manga, this world is your present reality.

It scares you because small changes mean that the future you know, could dramatically change, and you don't want that. Especially, not to your favorite anime.

That is why when you were asked to join the Karasuno Volleyball club, your mind didn't hesitate to order you to say no.. but as you were about to say your answer you were stopped.

"You're not gonna say no, right L/n-san?" Daichi said while smiling at you.

You blink before nodding and the reactions of some were instant, Kiyoko dropped her smile, while Hinata was confused but at the same time disappointed at your answer. Kageyama and Tsukishima didn't react, but you felt their eyes getting intense.

Tanaka laughed loudly and got to your sides, "You don't want to be one of us?" he said as he put both of his hands on his hips while looking at you intently. You were about to answer him when Suga was fast to pull him away from you.

He smiled and looked at Daichi who didn't speak but his hands are still extended at you with the jacket in hand, Suga stole the jacket from Daichi's hand and give it to you.

It was sudden but you caught it, "L/n, why don't you spend the day thinking of your answer to us seriously? We will see you on Monday and will wait for your answer till then."

You were about to protest but Kiyoko put a hand on your shoulder, "I'm a third year already, and you in the team will be a big help for me."

You're mouth closed because you don't know how to respond to that, you know that Kiyoko really needs a new manager but it was not your place in the first place.

You bit your lips as you hold the black jacket in your hand, "L/n! Join us, please! You're presence really really really improves my game!" You looked up to see an eager Hinata, behind him was Kageyama who didn't say a thing.

"I'll get going now, Daichi-san."

"Tsukki! Wait!"

You see how Tsukishima walked in your direction, you expect him to only pass by you but you didn't expect him to say anything.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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