#2: New Beginning

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Y/n adjusted the blanket that is covering her. She felt the soft mattress underneath her and she found herself feeling so comfortable for the first time ever in her life. If this is a dream she wish she will never wake up...


Blanket? you remembered that you thrown your blanket a while back because you found it useless.

Soft mattress? When did your stiff bed become soft?


Y/n's e/c eyes opened wide as ever, a unfamiliar ceiling welcomed her. There is no crack like the ceiling she was used seeing. She immediately got up and her jaw hanged opened at the unfamiliar surroundings she was seeing. This is literally not her small apartment.

She stand up and felt herself, she doesn't feel like she have been working all night infact she felt like she's young again and can do a marathon if she wanted to. It was all familiar yet also unfamiliar feeling to her.

She roam her eyes at the unfamiliar room, she saw a what looks like a uniform for teenager which consists of a white blouse, red ribbon, cream sweater, black blazer, and a grey skirt hanging at the wall. She traveled her eyes more and suddenly, her e/c eyes clash with the same e/c eyes that is also looking at her. A kid?

Wait.. that's a mirror!?

She immediately walk at the mirror and look dumbfounded at her 'own' reflection. She still look like her but younger. She touched her s/c skin and observe it.

I'm so young.. she thought to herself. While she was observing herself she heard the door clicked, telling that someone was opening it. Panicked, Y/n look at it wide eyes, she took a step back and felt so lost. She was all over the place, and her heartbeat is beating so hard.

What if I'm an intruder!? she thought, so many questions and confusions are on her mind. But it all stopped when a unfamiliar women who is not that far from her 30's welcomed her with a surprised look.

“Oh, my. You're already awake dear? That's a first,” The woman said and smiled proudly at her, the woman's eyes roamed around the room and stopped at the clothes hanging, she blinked and gave her a smile.

“Y/n, dear, is this what you mean when you told me your gonna change once you'll start highschool?” she ask gleefully at Y/n.

“You're awake early and you even ready your school uniform,” she said never breaking an eye contact at you, “Mother's proud at your development,”


She felt like she stopped breathing when she heard that word from the women's own mouth. She observe the women in front of her carefully, yes she also have e/c eyes, but this isn't the mother you remembered talking... yesterday.

The mother you know is a women who likes to leeches money from her own daughter, not this mother who is now looking at her with worried eyes.

The women noticed your scared expression, and took a step forward, “What's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?” she worriedly ask.

However you didn't respond, still not processing how this women in front of you is your own mother, when she took a step forward you felt panic but you didn't move from where you're standing. 

“Y/n?” the women tried again to have a response from you but you didn't even bother to, you're just there looking so scared.

When she reached you, you flinched how her soft and warm hands touch your shoulder, now this is when you really realized this isn't the mother you have known, the mother you know has always have this cold hands and the only time you remembered she touched you when she slap you in the face because you choose volleyball over her.

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