Tobys Old Tapes

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Brian sat down next to Tim. "We should probably go through Tobys old tapes before we forget again." Tim smirked a little. "Yeah that would be wise." Brian laughs and leans his head on Tim. Then Brian gets up to put the first tape in.

{tape begins}

"FUCK-!" a pair of voices yell. "LANGUAGE GUYS!!" a female voice yells after the three boys. "Y-YOULL NEVER TAKE U-US ALIVE!!!" One boy yelled. "YEAH WHAT TOBY SAID!" another yelled after him. At one point the camera was dropped and picked up. "Idiots. I swear one day Lyra Will put their heads on a stick and burn it ov- curse these intrusive thoughts." The boy quickly says. The boy then runs over to where three people are. A girl was there wearing a familiar multi shaded brown hoodie with a blue hood. Another boy was there wearing a brown and blue jacket. And then the other boy. A blue and black striped jacket. "So you done torturing these two yet Lyra?" The boy behind the camera asks. "Hey gimme m-my camera back!" The kid in the brown and blue striped jacket said. "Fine, here's the camera Toby." He said handing the camera to the boy, who was apparently Toby. "Thank you Jack!" Said Toby. Jack nodded. "Hey Cus, I bet you can't beat me back to your house!" Said the boy in the blue and black striped jacket. "BET ALEX!" Toby yelled.


Tim paused the tape. "Hang on-!!!" Brian put his hand over Tim's mouth and unpaused the tape. "Later Timmy." Tim frowned and took Brian's hand off of his mouth.


As Toby and Alex ran they passed by multiple familiar places. Some of which they didn't know existed but felt familiar. Once they got to Tobys house they were met by a young women. "Hi aunt Connie! Alex said as he slowed to a walk. "Hiya M-Mom!" Toby said from behind the camera. Connie waves at the two and waited for Jack and Lyra. As the two boys walked around they snuck past a bedroom and shut the door to Tobys. As Alex flopped onto the bed Toby looked out the window to the street and out towards the woods. As they hear the front door to the house shut they laugh. They don't know why but they do. Suddenly the camera is put down in the windowsill and the camera faces the room. There are some movie posters and some pictures on the wall of his friends and family. One of his family pics had his dads face crossed out.
"Why is his dads face crossed off?" Brian thinks to himself. Tim leans onto Brian. "No clue. Maybe his was a jerk." Brian laughs. "Maybe.." (Toby: YEAH HE WAS!!!)
As the two boys heard Lyra and Jack come up the stairs Toby flopped onto the bed face first. Alex laughs and Toby sits up and starts attacking Alex in a sort of friendly manner. As Lyra opened the door Toby fell off the bed and onto his back. The tape suddenly cuts off and starts with the sound of yelling. Suddenly the camera shows Tobys face. He has bruises all over and he seems to be getting yelled at. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT-!" suddenly Toby yells back. "I HAD EVERY RIGHT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND BE BULLIED FOR A MEDICAL CONDITION? I THOUGHT NOT. IM NOT EVEN YOUR CHILD! YOU SHOULD YELL AT YOUR DAUGHTER FOR BULLYING. NOT THE KID BEING BULLIED THAT JUST DEFENDED HIMSELF. SO SHUT UP AND TALK TO YOUR DAUGHTER." Toby yelled. The room was silent after that. Then the tape ends after 30 minutes of uncomfortable silence in the room

[end tape]

"Well that was.... eventful..." Brian says pulling out the tape. Tim sighs. "That person wasn't even his parent... so why was he yelling at him?" Brian shrugged. "Entitled parents. I had to deal with one at one point. It wasn't pretty.. hey look there's one labeled Hamilton!" Tim laughs. "Ok I guess we're watching that one!" Brian smiles and puts it in.


"You promise to give it back?"  "Yeah yeah, now go back home mom is waiting!" As Toby runs off the camera is turned around to show a blonde haired girl wearing the hoodie that Toby used to wear. "Hey Lyra lemme see that!" Says Jack. Lyra hands over the camera and points it at the collage. The collage that the Marble Hornets crew went to. ( warning theater nerd head-canon arriving) As Jack and Lyra went inside they heard yelling. When they turned they saw-


"OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!" as Brian laughed Tim punched his shoulder

A younger Tim being dragged by a younger Brian with a younger Jay following behind the two. Tim looked really annoyed and Brian looked like a kid who is proud of himself. Jay was laughing. As Lyra turned back they went to the auditorium and sat down somewhere. This was just for people interested in the collage and theater. After a while when all the kids were there Lyra points at a familiar blue and black jacket. As Alex turned around he smiles and waves at her before lightly punching Jay in the shoulder.

{time skip}

After the song Alex ran over to Lyra. "I DIDNT KNOW YOU-" Suddenly Alex got booped by Lyra. "Yeah we both do!" She says smiling. Jack laughs. "It was her idea!" Alex smiles. Suddenly Jays voice rings through the hall. "ALEX HEELP!!" Alex sighs, "time to save Jay from Tim- See ya later guys!" Alex says as he runs to save Jay.

[end of tape]

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