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EJ walked around his room, missing when Toby would sneak in every time he had a nightmare. (Which was every night). Eventually he went to Toby's room to check if he was ok. As he went to the door he saw something at the bottom of the door peaking out.


"PYRO-!!!" EJ yelled out. Masky ran twords Toby's door and knocked the door open. The room was halfway on fire.

There were words written all over. EJ gasped as he looked at all the words. Masky cringed at the familiarity of the words on the walls. One of them seemed all too familiar.

He is a liar

"Who is a liar" masky mumbled as EJ went to grab and extinguisher. Sally had to be pulled away from Toby's doorway as EJ ran in to stop the spread.

Jane and Clockwork tried to keep Sally and Lazari calm

BEN and Jeff were confused on how a lighter got in there

Masky was wondering who the liar was

Hoodie was concerned on where he learned all of these phrases and who told them to him


Was concerned on how this happened without him knowing

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