•*• Seven •*•

343 9 19

;-; someone please tell me why it's thundering but also sunny- also I apologize if the words in the other language are wrong- I used google translate-

I realize something and my eyes widen. I told them. Fuck, I haven't told anyone before! I question my motives internally. I flinch as Patton takes my hand in theirs, pulling me out of my thoughts. I meet their gaze and they smile, chasing away any other thoughts of mine. Roman takes my other hand, and this is when I realize I'm shaking. Roman scoots behind me and starts carding his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes, leaning backwards into the touch. Patton and Roman begin taking turns telling some wild story, but my brain melted a long time ago, when I first felt Roman's hands in my hair. I don't know what happens next, but I slip into a comfortable sleep for the first time in years.

. . .

I wake, squinting in the pre-dawn light. I feel around for my phone. I eventually find it buried in the blanket, so I check the time. 6:27 am. I grumble and stretch, getting out of bed. I open the closet, digging out a pair of black skinny jeans, a lavender T-shirt, and underwear. I huff as I realize my light-coloured binder is in the wash from yesterday. I swap the lavender shirt for a dark forest green one. I also pull out my black binder, grumbling as I do so. I head into the bathroom, get changed, and do my usual makeup. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a morning person in the slightest. I walk back into my room, tossing the hoodie and shorts I wore last night into my closet. I stick my tongue out and close the door, ignoring the fact that they landed on the floor. 

I yawn again and walk downstairs. I speed-walk into my kitchen, swiftly making a plain black coffee. I turn towards the living room, nearly spitting out my coffee. I set the mug down with a clack. 

“Oh rahat, am uitat de oamenii fierbinți din casă-” I say, looking at Patton and Roman. Both turn to look at me from the couch. 

“Oh, you’re awake!” 

“What did you say?” 

They speak at the same time. Then they look at each other, quickly bursting into fits of laughter. I squint at them, then shrug, sipping my coffee. 

“What…” My single brain cell has not been caffeinated yet, therefore it cannot fathom why they are laughing.

“What- What did you say?” Roman asks through the laughter.

I blush, though you can’t really see it underneath my makeup. “That is for me to know, and you to never find out,” I finish my coffee, then move to wash out the cup. I place it into the dish strainer, then steal a glance at the clock. “Câcat! I’m gonna be late!” Roman falls off the couch with an oomph. I slip on my shoes, Patton and Roman following suit. I grab the three packages before I dash out the door, barely remembering to lock it. I sprint the two miles to the shop, hearing Roman behind me. 

“Wait- Wait up!” I unlock the door, checking the clock. I sigh, I made it on time. Roman and Patton come in a couple minutes after me, huffing and puffing. “How- How are you so fast?! You’re so tiny!” Roman exclaims from the sofa he’s dropped onto. I shrug, glancing at him. I roll my eyes at the way he’s sitting. Legs draped over the arm of the sofa, head flung back, arm over his eyes. 

“You look really gay right now,” I say. He squints at me, then proceeds to stretch out even more dramatically. “Okay, you just made yourself look even gayer.”

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