A Looming Danger

790 37 14

-Y/n's POV-

"We're racing here this coming Saturday, Ten pm, sharp. Don't be late, and you better show up."




Nakazato's words rang in my ears as I stood at the top of Myogi by myself. "Damnit!"

I was angry and I was slightly panicking. So many things were going around in my mind. I couldn't think straight.

"Shit! Okay, Okay, Okay, calm down Y/n. He just challenged you to a race, that's all. Wait... How do I race on a mountain formally?" I started talking to myself to calm myself down. It was a good method, kept me thinking the right way and thinking logically. I got back into my car and went back down the mountain, heading home afterwards.

After going inside, I sat on the couch and blanked out for a bit, thinking about what I got myself into. It wasn't all bad. If I won, I could gain some reputation and be pretty cool. The hardest part of the deal was actually winning the race. I needed some pointers to understand how Nakazato drives and how normal races are held on the mountains. My eyes grew weary as they started to close on their own.

"All of that driving must've worn.. me.... out....."

-The Next Morning (Monday)-

I woke up feeling so refreshed. After the night out, I passed out hard on the couch. The sunlight pierced through the windows as did the birds chirping.

"Hell, it's Monday. What am I gonna do today? I wanna go out and drive tonight to get some practice, but that means more gas money...." I looked up to the ceiling and sighed heavily. "Thank god my dad used to street race too."

I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to make some cereal and I opened the fridge, realizing something. Something awful. Something so terrible and horrifying, anyone would tremble in fear:

I was out of milk...

"What a great start to the week." I said to myself sarcastically as I went up to my room to get cleaned up and dressed in new clothing, for I had to set off on an adventure to the convenience store. After my morning routine, I went out and drove down to Shibukawa to stop at a small 24/7 store. I walked in the store and grabbed the usual gallon of milk. I paid for it and decided to read a car magazine as well if they had one. I went over to the magazine area to find a girl already shifting through the magazines for something. She looked about my age. Long, straight, black hair, nerdy glasses, pale skin, super cute. She was wearing a blue blazer with a white buttoned up shirt underneath and a plaid skirt to match. It was adorable. She looked very familiar though after seeing her face. I might have went to school with her before I graduated or something. I started sifting through the magazines myself. I didn't notice us both getting closer and closer to each other as she was moving to the left and me to the right. We were right next to each other when I found a car magazine. I gasped and put my hand on it. She did too. We both lifted it out of the shelf at the same time and then looked at each other.

"O-Oh! Sorry!" I let go of the book and stepped back a bit, as did she, dropping the book while doing so.

"Oh... it's alright. I didn't know you wanted that one. I was picking it up cause it seemed interesting." She spoke softly.

"You like cars?"

"Mhm~! I think they're really cool actually. I like learning about them."

"Same here. In fact, I race." Hearing me say that, she gasped.

"Really?! Woah that's so cool! Say, you.. seem familiar... What's your name?"

"Y/n L/n."

"Oh my goodness! We graduated in the same class! It's me, Rikka. Rikka Hachiya!"

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