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Chapter 07

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Chapter 07

The meeting with his father was a lot easier than Idris had feared. Acame was too preoccupied with Quinn's arrival to care about Idris's ventures around the forest, all alone and far away from the village. Not that, this has been the first time he disappeared for a few days. Idris loved to wander around and discover unknown places.

Every time he came back, Acame would scold him about being away for so long. And Idris would always give him the same excuse - that he likes to get familiar with every inch of Talan, the world he will be a leader of, one day. Even though, he knew that he was right he also understood his father's concerns. Acame had a good reason for having that fear.

Idris's mother, Vadija Talan disappeared in those same woods through which Idris usually roams. One day, she left to gather some spice herbs she wanted to add to their meal and never came back. His father and all the Talanian people searched hell and heavens, but never found her. Her body had never been discovered as well. It was as if the ground had swallowed her, deleted her from the face of Talan.

Many feared that a Khanki had attacked Vadija, feasting on her until only bones were left and then turning them into ash with the fire it breathes. Others, knowing her fighting skills neglected this opinion and still hoped that she was alive, captured somewhere far, from where she couldn't come back home. 

Despite all of these different theories, Acame made up his mind. One day, he just stopped looking for her. Although he had never quit mourning for his mate, he decided to dedicate his life to his children and his people. When Vadija disappeared Ejona was just a little baby, so she didn't even remember her mother, but Idris and Igoru had many memories of her.

Once Igoru had commented that Idris walks around the forest unconsciously searching for her. He said that deep inside the little boy in him is still hoping to find his mother. Idris never affirmed his brother's assumption, but inside he wondered if maybe Igoru was right. What if he was really looking for her all this time? Was she even alive after all these years?

"So, are we going to keep her?"

Rox asked as soon as Idris arrived around the fire they usually built for dinner. The nights in Talan were quite chilly, despite the high temperatures through the days. Customarily they made one big campfire and everyone from the village came to have a feast. The food was gathered on one spot, so everyone from the village could have as much as they wanted. That way no one was hungry. The men brought meat, the women made soup and even the kids helped, picking sweet herbs as an after-dinner appetizer. Idris thought the system that his father had set was very good for the people.

Before answering Rox's question, Idris sat between Igoru and Arcanus. Sitting oposite of him, Rox passed him a piece of roasted meat while waiting for him to speak. Nodding with his head in gratitude, Idris sighed and granted Rox's wish. 

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